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Los Angeles, California
4 Questions
256 Karma

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Juliana Mar 05, 2019 709 views

How do email providers filter out "spam" from your inbox?

Is there a widely used algorithm?
#technology #computer #software #tech

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Juliana Mar 05, 2019 878 views

What does a virus actually do to a phone or computer?

How does it affect the hardware?
#technology #computer-hardware #computer #information-technology #computer-engineering

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Juliana Oct 31, 2016 29912 views

What's the difference between hardware engineering and software engineering?

I am considering both of these as possible college majors.

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Juliana Oct 31, 2016 1439 views

Have women in STEM experienced any setbacks because of their gender?

Women are underrepresented in STEM and it sometimes leads to misconceptions in the workplace. Over the summer, I interned for Girls Who Code, a program that works to integrate young girls into coding. I've heard many stories about men making remarks or making women feel uncomfortable, and I was...