Rachel Emery Garnett
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What are some great programs to watch in Spanish to help improve my fluency?
I would like to know of some great shows (preferably on Netflix) that I could watch to improve my comprehension of Spanish and my fluency.
#college, #Spanish, #learning

What are some tips for language learning?
I love to learn languages and often do so by teaching myself. I can speak English and German proficiently, followed by Spanish decently well, and basic sentences in Turkish, Italian, and Russian. What are some tips on learning foreign languages and becoming more fluent? #language #german...

would majoring in Spanish and in History be a good path?
I really love both of these subjects, but personally I'd like to get more input with these subjects. I also want to know what type of classes I'd need to take to make this possible .
#history #american-history #world-history #spanish #ap-spanish

How to improve spanish skills if there are few native speakers in my area?
I have been studying and learning Spanish since Kindergarten and am reaching a point that requires true interaction with native speakers to improve further. I regularly read the news in Spanish and as a result my reading skills are quite good but my speaking and listening skills are...