How viable of an option is it to work in the hyper-car industry?
Hi! My name's Keegan and I'll be attending Tulane University in the fall. I'm interested in the automotive engineering industry and plan on completing a 3 + 2 year program where I obtain a BS in physics from Tulane in 3 years and then a BE in Mechanical Engineering from Johns Hopkins or Vanderbilt after an additional 2 years of study at either of those respective places. I'm planning on getting my Masters or Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering or Automotive Engineering after my undergraduate work, and intend to move to Italy, Great Britain, or Germany to work in the hyper-car or Formula 1 industry after I've finished. #engineering #mechanical-engineer #automotive #aerodynamics #automotive-electronics #auto-racing #manufacturing-engineering
3 answers
Glenn’s Answer
Passion matters a lot. You have the passion and going for a degree that will align you with that passion. The thing that you have to figure out is what it will take to even be considered for a job in Europe. Do you need citizenship? If so, what can you do to start on that path now? Being able to speak the language may not be required, but it will help. Start taking classes and making friends with native speakers to practice.
Vennie’s Answer
Good plan, and kudos for thinking through for the next five years on what you want to do. I agree with Syed's recommendations and that should help you to get what you are looking for.
Syed Shihab’s Answer
Hi Keegan,
You've got a pretty solid plan laid out as far as getting education/training in your area of interest. I'd encourage you to consider the following schools that specializes in automotive engineering since you're particularly interested in the subject - In addition to that, if you're determined to move to Europe for career opportunities in supercar/hypercar industry, why not study in Europe for graduate school (MSc/PhD)? There are a lot of great school in Europe for automotive engineering - check out this link - Often, recruiters hire people from local schools - in that regards - it'd help if you studied at a school in Europe.
Depending on how well you do at school and how determined you are about your career goals, I think it's pretty viable to be successful in the automotive industry. Hope this helps.