4 answers
What motivated you?
School, studying, and grades are all very stressful things. How did you deal with things that got in your way to success? How to stay focused and motivated on not giving up? #school #education #surgeons #surgeon #medicine #medical-school
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4 answers
Anthony’s Answer
Hey Nevaeh,
Yes, these are all stressful. However, when it comes to these, it is about balance. I had to remind myself about what am I here for. Is this relationship helping me in my pursuit? If not, let it go. Although it may be hard, it must be released so that you can thrive forward.
I had a situation where I did not do well on a history test. I put my name on the paper, answered maybe 2 questions and then turned it in. My instructor was kind enough to talk to me about balance and time management. From that point on, I took my education seriously and dumped things out of my wagon that were making it hard for me to pull the essentials.
At times, it is hard to say no to yourself, but the sacrifice will be worth it in the long run. I stayed focus by:
*Keeping myself surrounded by people who had goals just like me and were determined to pursue it.
*Reminding myself of what I came to school for, what do I want to accomplish after this is over, what is my next step after I graduate. So always keeping yourself focused on the next step AKA Goal Set Through.
*Establishing a schedule and sticking to it and having someone hold me accountable
Something I always told my students were to answer these questions for themselves, take a picture of what you wrote and keep it saved so that you can remind yourself of what you are going to school for.
The questions are:
1) What do you want?
2) What do you possibly see getting in the way of what you want? What is one step that you want to take to stopping it in its tracks so that it does not further get in the way of what you want?
3) Who is motivating you along your journey? Write down their names
4) Give yourself a compliment (e.g. I am confident and will complete my program)
5) It is now graduation, everyone is screaming and celebrating you. You step off stage and are staring yourself in the mirror holding your diploma. What are you saying to yourself?
Hope that helps.
Yes, these are all stressful. However, when it comes to these, it is about balance. I had to remind myself about what am I here for. Is this relationship helping me in my pursuit? If not, let it go. Although it may be hard, it must be released so that you can thrive forward.
I had a situation where I did not do well on a history test. I put my name on the paper, answered maybe 2 questions and then turned it in. My instructor was kind enough to talk to me about balance and time management. From that point on, I took my education seriously and dumped things out of my wagon that were making it hard for me to pull the essentials.
At times, it is hard to say no to yourself, but the sacrifice will be worth it in the long run. I stayed focus by:
*Keeping myself surrounded by people who had goals just like me and were determined to pursue it.
*Reminding myself of what I came to school for, what do I want to accomplish after this is over, what is my next step after I graduate. So always keeping yourself focused on the next step AKA Goal Set Through.
*Establishing a schedule and sticking to it and having someone hold me accountable
Something I always told my students were to answer these questions for themselves, take a picture of what you wrote and keep it saved so that you can remind yourself of what you are going to school for.
The questions are:
1) What do you want?
2) What do you possibly see getting in the way of what you want? What is one step that you want to take to stopping it in its tracks so that it does not further get in the way of what you want?
3) Who is motivating you along your journey? Write down their names
4) Give yourself a compliment (e.g. I am confident and will complete my program)
5) It is now graduation, everyone is screaming and celebrating you. You step off stage and are staring yourself in the mirror holding your diploma. What are you saying to yourself?
Hope that helps.
Fernando’s Answer
For me first big source of inspiration was trying to better myself. I was tired of being stuck and wanted to move forward. The second source were my friends. It's important to surround yourself with good company. When your feeling down it's good to have someone to rely on to lift your spirit. A good trick is to remember to give yourself room to breathe. If you're feeling overwhelmed don't try to force yourself to work through it, that only makes the stress and anxiety worse.
Howard’s Answer
It is often difficult to stay focused and motivated when you have so much to do and little time to do it. I believe that it is important for you to set goals for yourself, both short term and long term, so that you stay focused on what you need to accomplish. Prioritizing tasks is one way that I have found to remain centered and not be all over the place. Set your day/week on what you want to accomplish and do the most important things first. I also believe that laughing and having fun help me focus on what I really enjoy doing. Make sure that you get enough sleep every day and eat healthy foods. This will also help you concentrate more clearly.
I would like to recommend a great book that helped me tremendously in my journey towards success. It is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. I assure you that this book will give you great tips on motivation and success. The habits are as follows:
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Hope my suggestions help and I wish you a great future. Enjoy what you do as much as possible even if it requires hard work.
I would like to recommend a great book that helped me tremendously in my journey towards success. It is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. I assure you that this book will give you great tips on motivation and success. The habits are as follows:
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Hope my suggestions help and I wish you a great future. Enjoy what you do as much as possible even if it requires hard work.
Mike’s Answer
Breaking things down in their smallest elements and solving those challenges down one by one is the best way to relieve the weight of your work upon you. The challenges of life will continue to find you and stress you, what is important to understand is how you can build tools and techniques to tackle those challenges time and time again, all while putting things in perspective. I'd also suggest to not strive for perfection when the environment doesn't reward it. Perfect is the enemy of good, and it's important to understand how and when to apply that. Hope this helps!