How do I find my passion in life?
I have been asked this question more than once in my life time. But, I am unsure what my passion is I haven't narrowed it down. I need some advise for a sense of direction. #career-counseling #entrepreneurship #japan #entertainment #sports-media #philanthropist #undecided
6 answers
Conrad’s Answer
This is an excellent question and one that I think we all ask ourselves throughout our lives. Here are a couple thoughts I've learned on that journey.
1) If everything was taken away from you, what is the thing that you would still do?
Many people find a life calling in this way. Sometimes we are enmeshed in one way of life and something happens to strip all of that away. What we are left with sometimes clears a path for a new direction that we want to take.
2) Instead of thinking about what you want to do, try to listen for what is calling to you. There may be an opportunity or a direction that is calling to you but other noise and interference is keeping you from hearing the call.
3) Think of life as an orange. You peel back the orange peel and it is empty inside. Rather than think of life as things you can pull out of that orange, think of life as a set of experiences that you can put into that empty shell.
These are all strategies I have used in the past in my artistic life. I have worked in entertainment and audio for over 40 years. It is not part of my normal process to evaluate my "passion", which I view as the best use of my time, before starting any major project.
Ms.’s Answer
Good question for us all, fellow questioner:) In the last decade of my ninety-nine-seeming years, Passion can only be found in the seed of Compassion as padre is found in Compadre...follow and argue with the ones you love in neutral tones and rejoice in the diurnal blessings of the hyacinth and marigold, the pastures that spring up go, inviting one to smell the green grass, the leaves, the desires so minute that they take us to an ideal inner home.
D’s Answer
Would you regret not having done it when you reached the age of 60 years old? You should pursue what you think you have passion for if you think you would. You would likely not regret doing it afterwards, even when you screwed up, if you were truly passionate about it.
Kumi’s Answer
Kumi recommends the following next steps:
Viviana’s Answer
I think that the world has determined that everyone has a passion and that you should work excesivelly to find it if you want to be happy. But the truth is that we don´t need to find our passion to be happy, we don´t have to work in the field of what we´re supposedly passionate about to be happy because we are humans and humans are always changing , transforming and creating. I think we should just live passionately and put our passion for life into everything we do. Find something that you are interested in, that you like, enjoy and give your time to it , until you find another thing that you enjoy more and then give it your time. I believe this is how you grow . Hope this is helpful !

Min. Leslie Green
Min. Leslie’s Answer
Whatever you constantly think on from childhood you wanted to do is your passion.