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How To Get Good Study Habits?

How do you create good study habits and stick to them ? I’m having a hard time because of my low attention span and would love some helpful tips for a freshman in high school! #CV23

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Raquel’s Answer

Your brain loves habits and consistency and there are some ways to incorporate this into making studying easier. It's important to have a dedicated study area that is not your bed. Whether it's a desk, the kitchen table, or the couch, having one spot where you always study will help to tell your brain that it's time to work whenever you sit down. Similarly studying at the same time each day can also help. If you have difficulty with your attention span, try to break your time into chunks. You could set a timer for 30 minutes, study for that time, then take a 5-10 minute break. Then set another timer and study again. Breaking up your time and giving yourself short study periods with frequent breaks can help keep your attention focused during the time you are studying. You can also make sure that the studying you're doing is the most effective form, active learning is much better and more efficient than passive learning. So if you struggle to study, make sure the time you are studying is used doing active learning, things like practice questions, writing down everything you know about the topic, or flashcards are all great tools.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. This is a very good question.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Apart from attending school everyday, assign some time to complete your homework everyday. Make sure you complete the assignment / project before deadline.
2. Do revision after the class everyday. If there is any question, raise the question to the teacher every day.
3. Preview the material it will cover in the next day. You can ask in the next day lesson if there is any question
4. Before the exam or assessment, assign more time for revision. Also, make sure you have enough rest
5. You can form the study group with your classmates for the assessment. This can help you to deepen your understanding through discussion.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
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Catherine’s Answer

Really great question and it's good you are reaching out and starting early in your high school years. I would start by setting time aside each day to study and get organized. Make sure you have a quiet place to focus, free from distractions and interruptions. This includes turning off your phone and other electronics.

Once you have your quiet time, try and prioritize what it is you need to accomplish. And if you don't have homework or assignments due, try and focus on next steps for upcoming assignments.

Try and take notes in class. Often times they will allow recording a lecture; so you can re-listen to it on your own time.

Find a study buddy. Just know you are not the only one having difficulty focusing due to low attention span. Finding others to study with will help all of you and keep you accountable to each other.
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Jerome’s Answer

Your school might have resources available to support you. If there is a Disability Program Resource Center on campus, you could get assistance from tutors and counselors.

I struggle too with attention and find blocking small chunks of time to study or get things done helps a lot. Sit and focus on something for 20 minute and then take a break for ten. Also, taking a walk before studying can be helpful.
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Nandini’s Answer

Hello Nevaeh,

The first step to creating good study habit is to create a schedule. Here are some of the things that helped me!

1. Create a routine - While I was in college, the first thing that helped me was creating a routine. I created a timetable for myself that had everything from class schedules, time to cook, see/ talk to my family, friend times, party times, and of course the crucial sleep time.
2. Time to study - Set aside more time than you think you need for studying. Inevitable, something will interrupt your study sessions - so I would set aside more time than I think I need so I am mentally prepared
3. Do not multi task - Based on personal experience, neither of your tasks will be completed to your satisfaction
4. Set goals for the day and work towards it.
5. Me time - A very important step in college. Spend some time by yourself mediating or doing something you love.

Hope my answers help you out. Have a great rest of your day!
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Chirayu’s Answer

Here are some tips for developing good study habits. Set aside a specific time each day for studying and stick to it. This helps your brain establish a habit and makes it easier to get into the mindset of studying. Designate a specific area for studying, ideally one that is quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions. Keep a planner or a to-do list to help you stay organized and on track. This can help you manage your time more effectively and ensure that you are making progress towards your goals. Take frequent breaks during your study sessions to avoid burnout and stay focused. This could mean taking a short walk, stretching, or doing something else to clear your mind. Focus on the most important tasks first, and try to avoid getting sidetracked by less important tasks or distractions. Active learning involves engaging with the material, rather than just passively reading or listening. Examples include taking notes, creating flashcards, or explaining the material to someone else. It's essential to get enough sleep to be able to focus and retain information effectively.

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Angel’s Answer

I think creating a schedule would be a good idea. Set aside specific times to study and make sure you are in a quiet environment where you can concentrate. If you have a short attention span, try to not do too much at once. Study for 30-45 minutes then take a break. Also remember, do not try to study more than one subject at a time. Oftentimes, it can confuse you.

To create a habit, you must continually do it until it becomes natural.
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Gianni’s Answer

Absolutely dedicate some time daily to studying. This approach is far more advantageous than cramming everything in at the last moment. Don't forget to take lots of breaks, too! Wearing yourself out too fast isn't helpful in the long term. After that, simply practice, and you'll master it!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Nevaeh,

To cultivate effective study habits and keep them going, please consider these practical suggestions:

Define your goals: Pinpoint precise, attainable targets for your study periods. This will aid in keeping you on track and inspired.

Create a study-friendly environment: Allocate a serene, orderly space where you can concentrate on your studies without interruptions.

Formulate a routine: Craft a regular study timetable that suits you, and adhere to it as much as you can. Include breaks to prevent exhaustion.

Rank your tasks: Arrange your tasks based on their significance and deadlines, enabling you to concentrate on the most pressing assignments first.

Employ efficient study methods: Try out various techniques, like active reading, summarizing data, teaching others, and using memory aids to boost your learning.

Limit distractions: Restrict your use of social media, switch off alerts, and steer clear of multitasking during study periods.

Keep everything in order: Monitor assignments, deadlines, and materials using a planner, calendar, or digital application.

Prioritize sleep: Make sure you get enough rest to maintain optimal brain function and energy levels for studying.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Consume healthy meals, exercise frequently, and use stress reduction methods to preserve your overall health.

Ask for help: Don't hesitate to ask teachers, peers, or tutors for assistance when necessary. Participating in study groups can also offer motivation and responsibility.

Treat yourself: Acknowledge your progress and achievements with small rewards or breaks to keep your motivation high.

Remember, creating effective study habits is a process that requires time and practice. Be patient with yourself and continually reevaluate your strategies to discover what suits you best.
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Adrian’s Answer

Here are some tips to help you develop good study habits:

Set a regular study schedule: Plan a regular time each day for studying and stick to it. This will help you establish a routine and make studying a habit.

Create a designated study space: Find a quiet, well-lit area where you can focus on your studies. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions.

Eliminate distractions: Turn off your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and remove any other distractions that might prevent you from focusing on your studies.

Break up study sessions: Break up your study sessions into shorter, more manageable chunks. This will help you retain information better and avoid burnout.

Use active learning techniques: Use active learning techniques such as summarizing, note-taking, and self-quizzing. This will help you better understand and retain information.

Get enough rest and exercise: Make sure to get enough rest and exercise to help you stay alert and focused during your study sessions.

Seek help when needed: Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Reach out to your teachers, tutors, or classmates for assistance.

Remember, developing good study habits takes time and effort, but by implementing these tips and staying consistent, you can improve your study habits and achieve academic success.