6 answers
6 answers
Alyssa’s Answer
Hi Jade,
Both David & David provided great pieces of advice, so my response will build upon theirs. One of the other keys to being successful in business is learning how to get along with people and work well with people. You have probably heard someone tell you, "Your network is everything" at some point in your business school career, and while I don't agree that it is absolutely everything, it is critically important. When people like working with you, they are more likely to advocate for you - and vice versa. Having a strong and supportive network will help you create topnotch work, open future opportunities for growth, and also just make work more fun. You won't always fully get along with everyone you work with - but if you can build a foundation of mutual respective with all of your colleagues, then you will find that you'll learn how to work with everyone well and opportunities will present themselves. A big part of building that mutual respect is the hard work and flexibility that both David's mentioned above - when you go out of your way to support a teammate or take on a task that might not play to your strengths, it shows that you are willing to contribute in whatever way you can to the success of a project, and that builds that trust and respect with others.
Both David & David provided great pieces of advice, so my response will build upon theirs. One of the other keys to being successful in business is learning how to get along with people and work well with people. You have probably heard someone tell you, "Your network is everything" at some point in your business school career, and while I don't agree that it is absolutely everything, it is critically important. When people like working with you, they are more likely to advocate for you - and vice versa. Having a strong and supportive network will help you create topnotch work, open future opportunities for growth, and also just make work more fun. You won't always fully get along with everyone you work with - but if you can build a foundation of mutual respective with all of your colleagues, then you will find that you'll learn how to work with everyone well and opportunities will present themselves. A big part of building that mutual respect is the hard work and flexibility that both David's mentioned above - when you go out of your way to support a teammate or take on a task that might not play to your strengths, it shows that you are willing to contribute in whatever way you can to the success of a project, and that builds that trust and respect with others.
david’s Answer
The answer is hard work. Business is difficult and succeeds when people take ownership of their own responsibilities and work to ensure those objectives are met. You may have a supervisor, but actually doing what needs to be done (not always what is asked) is vital. Be there, be on time, be early, have ideas, speak up, show up, show that you are the equivalent of any hero, there to do what is needed. Talk regularly to your boss, offer suggestions that seem to fit where management are concerned. Showing up, being there, being on time, being available, being trustworthy, being reliable are all the things you need to succeed. It's that easy, because the others aren't doing it. Walk into any office ten minutes after starting time and you will see employees still straggling in. Don't be one of them. Good luck.
The answer is hard work. Business is difficult and succeeds when people take ownership of their own responsibilities and work to ensure those objectives are met. You may have a supervisor, but actually doing what needs to be done (not always what is asked) is vital. Be there, be on time, be early, have ideas, speak up, show up, show that you are the equivalent of any hero, there to do what is needed. Talk regularly to your boss, offer suggestions that seem to fit where management are concerned. Showing up, being there, being on time, being available, being trustworthy, being reliable are all the things you need to succeed. It's that easy, because the others aren't doing it. Walk into any office ten minutes after starting time and you will see employees still straggling in. Don't be one of them. Good luck.
David’s Answer
One of the keys to a successful career in business is flexibility. Being flexible to new opportunities that may not be exactly what you want to do but will provide you greater breadth in your skills and may help you land a better role in the future. Also, I also recommend being flexible to move to another part of the country for an opportunity. I have moved several times (including internationally) to accept new opporunities and it has helped my career. The side benefit is experiencing new geographies and cultures.
Samantha’s Answer
One of the ways you can stand out in the business field is by being extremely adaptable and well organized. Things in the business environment, particularly in finance or consulting, can change quite quickly and the ability to reprioritize and change paths is crucial. Remaining well organized allows you to quickly jump between different tasks and easily find any relevant notes or documents you may have will allow you to be adaptable in the way the industry often requires.
Furthermore, you can stand out by having strong analytical skills, especially with regards to data analysis. Almost all business roles involve more and more data analysis, even roles that may traditionally have been more qualitative in nature. As such, I’d highly recommend learning about some of the tools commonly used in business for analytics (e.g. Tableau, PowerBI, Alteryx, etc.)
It’s also always important to be responsible and trustworthy. Being someone people can rely on is extremely valuable and will take you far. Your reputation and personal brand will make classmates, coworkers, and clients want to continue working with you and have the potential to take you far in your career.
Furthermore, you can stand out by having strong analytical skills, especially with regards to data analysis. Almost all business roles involve more and more data analysis, even roles that may traditionally have been more qualitative in nature. As such, I’d highly recommend learning about some of the tools commonly used in business for analytics (e.g. Tableau, PowerBI, Alteryx, etc.)
It’s also always important to be responsible and trustworthy. Being someone people can rely on is extremely valuable and will take you far. Your reputation and personal brand will make classmates, coworkers, and clients want to continue working with you and have the potential to take you far in your career.
Joe’s Answer
Others that answered before me have provided much valuable insights:
1) Hard work and reliability. No substitute for this. Hard work /strong work ethic often can overcome other shortcomings but rarely is the reverse true..ie, an exceptional person in some skill or knowledge succeeds despite being lazy or uninterested. How many times have you heard someone say...Brilliant person but he doesn't apply him/herself enough to succeed....vs Such a hard working person but just too dumb too succeed...the latter I've never heard said..the former many times
2) Flexibility in what your company needs you to do vs your own direction or preferences/ie, balance the two out is what makes you successful
3) Networking and building trust and respect with a base of other professionals you've worked with or know from org you've belong to
What I can add to these three tenets is from my own experience working 25 years for one fortune 50 company
1) Learn first to communicate..ie, invest time in building your professional communication skills (via office SW or other methods). Often the folks that go the furthest are not necessarily the smartest..but the ones that are the best communicators
2) Acquire financial skills...business is about money and financials. Understand how a P&L and Balance Sheet work and how they describe how a business is either successful or not is important. Many times some career aspiring people leave this important building block out of their experence only to have to learn it later or along the way (if they are lucky)
3) Learn some operational or execution process skill---ie, Program./Project Management - business is about change and getting things done and execution skills (ie, how to get things done) are important at any level
4) Most entry level workers start out in a role that is narrow in terms of scope and later may broaden and take on more challenging roles. Even in the first few jobs, seek to know your area of assignment deeply and completely...ie, be the subject matter expert of that area /role you're assigned to..so that others know they can rely on you for the best information on that topic.
I think these four guidelines will help in any business role you chose to take on
Good luck
1) Hard work and reliability. No substitute for this. Hard work /strong work ethic often can overcome other shortcomings but rarely is the reverse true..ie, an exceptional person in some skill or knowledge succeeds despite being lazy or uninterested. How many times have you heard someone say...Brilliant person but he doesn't apply him/herself enough to succeed....vs Such a hard working person but just too dumb too succeed...the latter I've never heard said..the former many times
2) Flexibility in what your company needs you to do vs your own direction or preferences/ie, balance the two out is what makes you successful
3) Networking and building trust and respect with a base of other professionals you've worked with or know from org you've belong to
What I can add to these three tenets is from my own experience working 25 years for one fortune 50 company
1) Learn first to communicate..ie, invest time in building your professional communication skills (via office SW or other methods). Often the folks that go the furthest are not necessarily the smartest..but the ones that are the best communicators
2) Acquire financial skills...business is about money and financials. Understand how a P&L and Balance Sheet work and how they describe how a business is either successful or not is important. Many times some career aspiring people leave this important building block out of their experence only to have to learn it later or along the way (if they are lucky)
3) Learn some operational or execution process skill---ie, Program./Project Management - business is about change and getting things done and execution skills (ie, how to get things done) are important at any level
4) Most entry level workers start out in a role that is narrow in terms of scope and later may broaden and take on more challenging roles. Even in the first few jobs, seek to know your area of assignment deeply and completely...ie, be the subject matter expert of that area /role you're assigned to..so that others know they can rely on you for the best information on that topic.
I think these four guidelines will help in any business role you chose to take on
Good luck

Katherine Avery
Run a music studio and teach private music lessons; teach college-level religion classes
Katherine’s Answer
One big tip is to make sure you have your bases covered so you're always doing everything honestly--for all the stories for centuries of how people are dishonest or work with others who are dishonest, the reality is that doing things squeaky clean is how business is done sustainably over the long term, and most people are doing things more honestly or they wouldn't be successful.
Read the book Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey.
And check out this workbook: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/topics/self-reliance/2017/14678_sgmb_book_eng.pdf
Read the book Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey.
And check out this workbook: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/topics/self-reliance/2017/14678_sgmb_book_eng.pdf