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How to get more desirable skills for work?

Still in college

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Karin’s Answer

Hi Tatyana,

I don't know what you are studying, but most employers value practical experience. Internships are a good start. You'll also make contacts for networking.

Computer skills are important in just about every field. You can take a class or use free or paid platforms like YouTube, freecodecamp, Coursera, Udacity etc.

Volunteering can be valuable to build some of the desirable soft skills like communication, teamwork, leadership etc.

You can also look at job ads on LinkedIn or Indeed to see what the desired skills are in your field. If you see a gap, try to fill it.

I hope this helps a bit! Good luck!

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Jodi’s Answer

Hi Tatyana,

It's great that you're taking the initiative to improve your skills and make yourself more desirable to employers. Here are some steps you can take to develop the skills that are in demand in the job market:

1. Identify the skills that are in demand: Research the job market and find out what skills are in high demand in your field of interest. You can do this by looking at job postings, talking to professionals in your field, and reading industry publications.

2. Set goals: Once you have identified the skills you want to develop, set specific, achievable goals for yourself. This will help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards improving your skills.

3. Take courses: There are many online courses available that can help you develop new skills. Look for courses that are taught by reputable instructors and offer practical, hands-on learning experiences.

4. Practice: The best way to develop a new skill is to practice it regularly. Look for opportunities to apply your new skills in real-world situations, whether it's through internships, volunteer work, or personal projects.

5. Seek feedback: Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from others as you work on developing your skills. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and make faster progress.

By following these steps, you can develop the skills that are in demand in the job market and make yourself a more desirable candidate to employers. Remember to be patient and persistent, as developing new skills takes time and effort.

Don't forget to have some fun while developing your skills too :)
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Michaela’s Answer

While you're still in college, there are several ways you can acquire desirable skills for work:

Internships and Co-op Programs: Seek out internships or co-op programs in your field of interest. These opportunities provide hands-on experience and allow you to develop practical skills that employers value.

Part-time Jobs or Freelancing: Take on part-time jobs or freelance work related to your field or desired career path. This can help you gain relevant experience, develop new skills, and build a professional network.

Volunteer Work: Volunteer for projects, organizations, or causes that align with your interests and career goals. Volunteering can provide valuable skills and experiences while also allowing you to give back to your community.

Skill-building Workshops and Courses: Attend workshops, seminars, or online courses to learn new skills or enhance existing ones. Many colleges offer extracurricular programs or workshops focused on career development and skill-building.

Networking: Network with professionals in your field through networking events, career fairs, informational interviews, and online platforms like LinkedIn. Building relationships with professionals can provide insights into industry trends, job opportunities, and skill requirements.

Leadership Roles: Take on leadership roles in student organizations, clubs, or community groups. Leading teams or projects can help you develop valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and project management.

Seek Feedback and Mentorship: Seek feedback from professors, mentors, or supervisors on your strengths and areas for improvement. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and advice on how to develop your skills and navigate your career path.

Professional Development Programs: Look for professional development programs or initiatives offered by your college or external organizations. These programs may include workshops, seminars, mentorship opportunities, or skill-building activities tailored to students.

Stay Updated on Industry Trends: Stay informed about industry trends, emerging technologies, and evolving job requirements in your field. Subscribe to industry publications, follow thought leaders on social media, and participate in relevant online forums or communities.

Build a Portfolio: Showcase your skills and projects through a professional portfolio or online platform. This could include academic projects, internships, freelance work, or personal projects that demonstrate your abilities to potential employers.

By actively seeking out opportunities to develop and enhance your skills while still in college, you'll be better prepared to enter the workforce and succeed in your chosen career path.
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Ryan’s Answer

Getting desirable skills for work while still in college is a great way to enhance your employability and stand out to potential employers. Here are some steps you can take to acquire valuable skills:

Pursue internships or co-op programs: Seek out internships or cooperative education programs related to your field of study. These opportunities provide hands-on experience and allow you to apply your knowledge in real-world settings. Internships also provide an opportunity to develop industry-specific skills and build a professional network.

Engage in extracurricular activities: Join clubs, organizations, or student groups that align with your interests and career goals. These activities can provide opportunities to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. Consider taking on leadership roles within these groups to further enhance your skills.

Take advantage of campus resources: Many colleges offer career development services, workshops, and seminars. Attend these events to gain insights into various industries, learn about in-demand skills, and receive guidance on resume writing, interview preparation, and networking.

Seek out online courses and certifications: Explore online platforms that offer courses and certifications in areas relevant to your field of interest. Websites like Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning provide a wide range of courses that can help you develop technical, analytical, or industry-specific skills.

Build a strong online presence: Develop a professional online presence through platforms like LinkedIn. Showcase your skills, projects, and achievements on your profile. Engage in industry-related discussions and connect with professionals in your field. This can help you expand your network and gain exposure to potential job opportunities.

Seek feedback and mentorship: Seek feedback from professors, advisors, or professionals in your field. They can provide valuable insights on areas for improvement and suggest additional skills that are highly valued in the industry. Consider finding a mentor who can guide you and provide advice on skill development and career growth.

Remember, acquiring desirable skills is an ongoing process. Continuously seek opportunities to learn and grow, both inside and outside the classroom. By actively pursuing internships, engaging in extracurricular activities, and leveraging campus resources, you can develop a well-rounded skill set that will make you more desirable to employers.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Tatyana,

Guide to Cultivating Essential Skills for Career Advancement

In the fiercely competitive employment landscape of today, possessing a broad range of skills is vital for professional growth. Here's a roadmap to help you cultivate skills that are highly sought after in the workplace:

1. Pinpoint In-Demand Skills:
Start by investigating and pinpointing the skills that are highly sought after in your chosen field. This can be accomplished by examining job advertisements, industry reports, and engaging in conversations with seasoned professionals. By understanding what recruiters are seeking, you can align your skill-building efforts effectively.

2. Enroll in Appropriate Courses or Training:
Think about enrolling in courses or training programs that will help you gain the necessary skills. This could be through your educational institution, online learning platforms like Coursera or Udemy, or specialized training institutes. Opt for courses that are industry-recognized and provide practical experience.

3. Acquire Hands-On Experience:
One of the most effective ways to cultivate sought-after skills is through hands-on experience. Consider internships, part-time employment, volunteering, or projects that allow you to apply and refine your skills in a real-world context. Not only does practical experience help you build skills, but it also showcases your abilities to prospective employers.

4. Pursue Mentorship:
A mentor with experience in your field can offer invaluable guidance on skill cultivation. A mentor can provide insights, counsel, and growth opportunities that will help you gain the skills necessary for a successful career.

5. Establish a Professional Network:
Networking is crucial for career progression and skill cultivation. Participate in industry events, conferences, workshops, and connect with professionals who possess the skills you aim to develop. A robust professional network can lead to learning opportunities and collaborations that enhance your skill repertoire.

6. Embrace Lifelong Learning:
The journey of skill development is continuous. Cultivate a habit of ongoing learning and improvement of your existing skills. Stay informed about industry trends, technologies, and best practices to ensure your skills remain relevant and competitive.

7. Highlight Your Skills:
Once you've cultivated sought-after skills, ensure they are prominently displayed on your resume, LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or personal website. Showcasing your skills and achievements can draw the attention of potential employers and demonstrate your worth as a candidate.

By actively pursuing these steps in skill development, you can boost your appeal as a job candidate and elevate your career prospects.

Top 3 Credible Sources Used:

Harvard Business Review: Renowned for its premium articles on business-related subjects including career progression and skill development.

LinkedIn Learning: Provides a comprehensive range of online courses led by industry experts to assist individuals in developing career-relevant skills.

Glassdoor: Offers insights into job trends, salaries, company reviews, and interview experiences which can aid in identifying skills desired by employers.

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Michelle’s Answer

One way to get desirable skills that are applicable across any career is to look into learning and mastering durable skills. These are skills that are not specifically learned from a textbook. These are skills that shape and round you as a person and make you a desirable employee. Skills like problem-solving and communication. These skills are always in demand and are great because they can boost more technical skills like algebra. The best way to learn these is through on-the-job experience or by trying out different simulations. There are places online that allow you to have experiences with AI that simulate different situations where durable skills can be applied and they can give you feedback on how to improve these skills in the long run.

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Learn about durable skills
Practice Durable skills
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Lindsey’s Answer

Internship experience is huge! I think trying to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life during that 18-22(ish) year old range is very difficult. There are so many different opportunities that are unknown until you enter the workforce, but interning gives you a lot of exposure. Having summer jobs - even it is not something on the career path that you are targeting - can help you gain soft skills. Volunteering is so important - it teaches you how to do various jobs, work hard, and give back. The more exposure you can have outside of your bubble, the better. This helps build connections which help provide opportunities for you to gain skills. Best of luck!
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Joanna Rose’s Answer

Hello Tatyana,

To acquire more desirable skills for work, start by identifying the skills most in demand within your industry, which can often be found in job postings, industry publications, or through discussions with industry professionals. Invest in continuous learning through online courses, workshops, or seminars to develop these skills. Practical application is key, so seek opportunities at work or through volunteer roles to apply and refine new skills in real-world settings. Additionally, consider mentoring or networking with professionals in your field to gain insights and advice on skill development and career advancement.