Career questions tagged apartments

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Carolyn242 views

How do I find a good apartment with good roommates?

I love adventure and am not sure what I'm doing after high school so I can really go anywhere. but I'm a semi anxious person and faint a lot, so I want to have roommates willing to check in on me from time to time. how do I find girl roommates willing to do that?

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Matthew633 views

Should I live on-campus at UCSB?

I got accepted into UCSB and I was wondering if I should live on-campus? #apartments

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Brittany1741 views

What does it take to build and run a new apartment complex?

Hello, I've all but decided that apartment complex ownership is the business I want to start with as an entrepreneur. I'm currently working toward finishing my associate of arts degree, taking business/economics/accounting classes to assist me with the technical aspects of starting the business. I plan to graduate in spring of next year. After graduation, I'm going to allow myself some time to save up money for a down payment on a loan. Along with these plans, I have quite a few ideas about how I want to run my business (between floor-plans, amenities etc.) but to be quite honest I'm not sure where to go from there. I may ask more questions later if I need more detail on a particular aspect. So my questions are these; What major expenses may I be forgetting or overlooking in the planning process? What advice do you have for first-time landlords? What are some tips or red flags on choosing builders, contractors and inspectors? What advice do you have for choosing a location? What is some advice on saving money on property? What are some ways I could save money on initial investment? What things should I not cheap out on for initial investment? What financial qualifications are needed for such an big loan? How long should I wait before hiring people to run the business for me? #architecture #real-estate #real-estate-investing #apartments #apartment #landlord #property-insurance #property-management #career-details

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Thomas1187 views

What are some key factors that you should look for went looking for an apartment?

As a sophomore in college, I have decided to live off campus but finding an apartment is a big step in balancing my income. As any college student that is just placed into the world and told to do what adults do, what should I look for when looking for an apartment? #college #finance #job #money-management #apartments #utilities

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Stuart1255 views

Should I live on campus or should I save money by living in an apartment around the town or city of the university?

I've always been a guy who liked to get the best deal for anything, which inherently causes me to go with the choices that cost the least. I've been wondering if I should live on the campus where I might have more opportunities to be with other students and go to events, or if I should go with the in-expensive route and buy a cheaper apartment. #housing #apartments

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