Career questions tagged dropout

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Zelandra816 views

Can I return to first year in college if I decided to shift to a whole different course?

I was a freshman and dropped my subjects midyear in my previous course, finishing only the first semester. Can I return to first year in college if I decided to shift to a whole different course? Edit: You guys, I did not expect I'd get so much response from here. You have no idea how much your thoughts have cheered me up from the weight I was carrying since the day I decided to post this question. I will carry all of your advice and encouragement in my heart all the way through my graduation march. Thank you, thank you! God bless you all back. From the bottom of my heart, Jiezel Andrada

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Aayushi1189 views

I want to drop out from college and wanna do something else. Should i go for it?

I have completed 2 years of my college,3 more were left but now i have started to realise that this is not the career for me, what should i do? #career #colleges #dropout #career-choice #career-advice #career-plan

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Liana2429 views

If I'm MISERABLE at college then what should I do?

“The world is in perpetual motion, and we must invent the things of tomorrow... Act with audacity.” – Madame Clicquot. I'm starting to become less risk averse and I may drop out or take a leave of absence from college because I hate it. I know it's easier to get a job with a degree but it is possible to still make it without one. If I'm interested in communications or marketing (don't know what I want to do) is it possible to intern with a company and then work my way up? I'm interested in how people think and I understand American culture very well. I'm also good at understanding group dynamics. I can't imagine myself in college for the next three years and I've tried rationalizing my situation because I'm so desperate but it just isn't working!... Thanks. #business #psychology #marketing #entrepreneurship #higher-education #sociology #start-ups #dropout

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