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Sybil B’s Avatar

Sybil B

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Los Angeles, California
2 Answers
5304 Reads
1 Karma

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Alex’s Avatar
Alex May 19, 2020 703 views

how do I go about platforming and laying out a website

I'm a entrepreneur and I am trying to find a good way to make and layout a website I make and sell spicy mustard ( sounds weird surprisingly big market) I've been selling for around 5 years now through email and social media but I'm really interested in getting a better way to have people order...

Aishwarya’s Avatar
Aishwarya Jan 16, 2018 5617 views

What's a day in the life of an aerospace engineer like?

Aeronautical or astronautical, it doesn't matter. I'm interested in pursuing a major in aerospace engineering, but I want to get a scope of what applying it to a career is like.

#engineering #aerospace-engineering