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A Khan’s Avatar

A Khan

Financial Aid
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
4 Answers
4099 Reads
11 Karma

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Marin’s Avatar
Marin Feb 23, 2023 1317 views

Where do you get your inspiration when you are out of ideas?

When writer's block hits, what do you do to combat that? I find that oftentimes when I am writing, I'll run out of ideas for my story, abandon it, and start something new, only for the cycle to begin all over again.

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 18, 2021 516 views

Looking for answers about helpful college majors and classes for lawyers.

As I begin my college career in the fall, I am wondering if there are any helpful classes or majors that work well in law careers. I am aware that there is no major requirement for law school, but wondering if there are any particular classes/majors that lawyers still find helpful in their...

aisha’s Avatar
aisha Apr 26, 2021 979 views

How do you publish a book ?

#books #writing #writer #creative-writing #publishing

Sonia’s Avatar
Sonia Jan 19, 2018 1383 views

How can I make sure that I pay off a student loan as fast as possible?

I would prefer to not have to take out any student loans, but I know they are still a possibility. With such high interest, I know that it becomes difficult to pay it off quickly and there are many adults still paying off student loans from 15+ years ago. How can I best avoid this if I do need...