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Mark Dresner’s Avatar

Mark Dresner

Product Risk Leadership
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mill Valley, California
6 Answers
6057 Reads
1 Karma

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Charles’s Avatar
Charles Mar 15, 2018 1742 views

What doors can an MBA open for someone?

I've been heavily encouraged by my family, peers, and some advisors to eventually seek out an MBA after attaining a degree in Finance or Economics and i'd just like to know what opportunities having an MBA can lead to.

N’s Avatar
N Mar 26, 2018 1615 views

Is it worth it to get an MBA straight after getting a BBA or wait for a couple years before going to grad school?

Don't know which option is better in the long run
#mba #bba

Liya’s Avatar
Liya May 27, 2016 1645 views

What's expected of a college student's or a recent graduate's resume?

Like most people my age, I have a very sad little resume. I dont have the foundation of experience or time to include a long list of impressive accomplishments, work experience and skills. Most of what I have isn't relevant to part time jobs or internships I apply for and I'm still including...

Katelyn’s Avatar
Katelyn Jan 26, 2017 2693 views

Do resumes need to be one page?

Hi, I'm attempting to become an "officer" in a club at my college and they want to see a resume. My boyfriend is a part of this club and he told me that my resume needs to be one page, that jobs only want to see one page anyways. Is this true? The job application my father helped me make it...

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Sep 11, 2019 1682 views

How to make your resume/CV stand out?

#resume #job-application #resume-writing

Hollie’s Avatar
Hollie Jul 30, 2016 1111 views

What are some strategies to write my resume if I do not have internships and work experiences prior to college graduation?

I couldn't manage both schoolwork and work during college life. After graduation and as expected, it appears to me that lacking these experiences really downplay my resume. I want to know how I can write my resume given my background like this? #resume #resume-writing