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Paige T’s Avatar

Paige T

Manufacturing Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Chanhassen, Minnesota
2 Answers
1230 Reads
1 Karma

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Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Sep 17, 2021 517 views

What are good colleges for mechanical engineering?

I would like to know what colleges I should apply to so I have the best chance of getting the right education and the best education for mechanical engineering. #mechanical-engineering #college

pedro’s Avatar
pedro Sep 23, 2021 742 views

What do I have to major in, in college in order to become a Biochemical Engineer if the college doesn’t have a specific Biochemical Engineering major?

I’m a senior in highschool, looking at colleges to apply to and I’m really interested in biochemical engineering
#biochemical #biochemical-engineering #college #college-major #engineer #engineering #biochem