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San Francisco, California
5 Questions
222 Karma

Junhao’s Career Goals

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Junhao’s Avatar
Junhao Oct 24, 2022 1115 views

My career goal statement

I wan to be a math teacher after I graduated form college, but I want to do some thing that has more pay and less work. I am planning to do actuary.

Junhao’s Avatar
Junhao Oct 24, 2022 772 views

What jobs fit me?

I am interest in math major, and my career goal is to have lots of time with my family, and well paid. What are some particular jobs that fits my requirements?

Junhao’s Avatar
Junhao Oct 24, 2022 632 views

What jobs can I do?

I am interest in math major, and my career goal is to have lots of time with my family, and well paid. What are some particular jobs that fits my requirements?

Junhao’s Avatar
Junhao Oct 24, 2022 810 views

What jobs can I do?

I am interest in math major, and my career goal is to have lots of time with my family, and well paid. What are some particular jobs that fits my requirements?

Junhao’s Avatar
Junhao Sep 27, 2022 364 views

What should I do? What is a job that can earn a lot of money?

I want to be a teacher as I grow up, but teachers only get a little pay. So I want to do a job that can earn a lot of money, but I have no idea what job is ok for me.