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Qiang (John) Lu’s Avatar

Qiang (John) Lu

Quantitative Modeling and Model Validation
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Carmel, Indiana
3 Answers
4366 Reads
16 Karma

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Elsa’s Avatar
Elsa Oct 12, 2016 2043 views

Better study economics or finance? Which one has more job options?

I have to choose between economics and finance, but it comes really hard to me. According to me finance is more practical and simple, and economics is harder, more theorical. What matters is the job. I mostly like economics, but I don't know if it has a lot of job options for that. Can an...

Shah’s Avatar
Shah Jun 20, 2016 1254 views

I want to be a officer in bank. What should I do after class 10?

Hi! I am class 10 student. My aim is to become Bank Manager. Would you please tell me what should I do after class 10? #manager #banking #bank #commercial-banking #online-banking

Amy’s Avatar
Amy Jul 29, 2016 1436 views

What is an actuary and what is the daily routine of an actuary?

I was curious about this occupation. #finance #economics #actuarial-science #actuarial #actuary