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Neel Kishnani’s Avatar

Neel Kishnani

United States
3 Answers
2685 Reads
20 Karma

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Micaela’s Avatar
Micaela Jul 19, 2019 914 views

what should my major be?

I'm graduating in a year and I have no idea what to do #choosing-a-major

Shashank’s Avatar
Shashank Jul 13, 2019 1109 views

Should I study Computer Engineering or Computer Science if I want to built my own software?

#computer #technology #computer-programming #computer-software #computer-engineering

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jun 06, 2019 764 views

I was thinking about skipping Band in High School and coming back to band when go to college. Would there be any way for me to find the same type of curricular band experience I would in high school but somewhere else?

#band #college