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James Young’s Avatar

James Young

Thoracic anc Cardiovascular Surgeon
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Rome, Georgia
2 Answers
1259 Reads
1 Karma

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Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Mar 19, 2020 679 views

Is there any way to begin your PhD while wrapping up your Med degree? (just to cut down on some of the time spent in getting a secondary education)

At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology,
while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Desoray’s Avatar
Desoray Jan 22, 2018 819 views

What is life like for a Surgeon?

I wanna know what people who have been through the schooling, and the residency's opinions are after the years of sacrifice.

#surgery #cardiothoracic-surgeon #medicine #surgeon #healthcare #doctor