6 answers
Michael’s Answer
Sure there are. But don't forget that there is a marketplace for talent just as there is for goods -- the greater the talent and the fewer with this talent, the higher price the owner can command.
It takes little talent to sweep streets and a lot of talent to write computer programs. A formal education isn't absolutely required but helps immensely. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college and are wealthy today because they created unique things that there is a great demand for. But thousands more people dropped out and are "starving."
An education doesn't guarantee success but a lack of education make success just that much more difficult to find.
In short, the marketplace will pay you for your back or your brain. Your choice.
Asia ’s Answer
Skills, talent, and an education are definitely key components on the list of requirements for most employers in today's highly competitive market. However, the realm of the entrepreneur can not be discounted. Vision, passion, and determination have paved the way for many entrepreneurs who lacked higher level education. Was their journey easier...no? None the less, these same individuals were aware of the importance of building a team of individuals who possess those key qualities along with the education they lacked. As our access to information continues to evolve so will the need for us to expand our knowledge and comprehension to keep up with the changing times. The level of education you choose to pursue is up to you but the value of possessing an education is personal and rewarding during times when you need it most. I suggest really weighing the pros and cons of your decisions and evaluate where you can realistically be in 5-10 years with or without an education. Best wishes on your decision.
Asia M-A
Jordan J’s Answer
Jordan J recommends the following next steps:
Sonya’s Answer
You can google a list, so I am not going to recopy from the search engine here. I am not going to pretend that the cost of getting a higher education is not daunting. It is way more expensive for your generation than for mine, but let's start with the high school degree. You should get that or a GED. I am not even going to argue about this with you. That is your baseline, period. Ok. Now, even in industries that don't require a degree there are people who have degrees that you will be competing with, especially in a down economy. And guess what? You are not just competing with people in your own country anymore. We are all living in a global economy now.
That being said, if you don't go to a trade school after high school or your GED (no argument), consider community college. The education slate starts over here. No matter what you did before (high school/GED) your GPA starts fresh and new in community college. I have mentored students who started out in community college and then got a full scholarship for their junior and senior year at a University. So it is real and it can happen.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill
Estelle’s Answer
Vandana’s Answer
Talent and skills of a person make him great. Learning is important, 4 year degree isn't. Many talented people made it big without formal degrees, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin and Dhirubhai Ambani to name a few.
If one has the courage to follow one's dream with passion, perseverance and focus, there's no stopping you.
Have a great career ahead!