Do I have to major in biology to be an ornithologist/zoologist?
I want to be a zoologist, specifically an ornithologist focused on research and conservation. However, I'm not particularly interested in what is going on inside the bird. I understand how that would be important to know, but I don't want my major (i.e. biology) to simply be focused on this. I'm more interested in how different factors affect a bird's (or other wildlife) wellbeing. #career #science #biology #career-counseling #zoology #ecology #environmental-services
5 answers
Sara’s Answer
Not at all. It sounds like a major in ecology, environmental science, forestry, or natural resource management (with a biology or animal science minor) would be a better fit for your interests. If you're not already a member I'd recommend reaching out to your local Audubon Society Chapter. They can put you in touch with a good mentor to align with your career plans.
Pro’s Answer

James Constantine Frangos
James Constantine’s Answer
Lauren’s Answer
I don't believe so. I would suggest that you speak with a career advisor at your school. That individual might have some suggestions regarding how to go about customizing your major and if that option is offered at your school.
Good Luck!
Vernon’s Answer
Well, birds straddle two groups of vertebrates in both anatomy and physiology. They are the descendants of dinosaurs and anyone not wanting to complete the picture of understanding the entire organism should do something else.
Majoring in biology can lead you down several paths, one of which will satisfy your ornithological cravings.