Career questions tagged ecology

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Genesis380 views

Meteorologists, how would your degree be applied to the scientific research community, if it would?

As a sophomore who just changed to an Environmental Science A.A., I'm exploring B.S. options that will open up more specialized job opportunities. I love considering how weather patterns change or maintain ecological activities, or even interact with the ocean ... but won't I be pigeon-holed into weatherman positions if meteorology is my major?

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Grace146 views

What is the relevance of ecology in biology ?

What is the relevance of ecology in biology

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Kat333 views

What programs intersect with ecology, marine biology, neuroscience, and public health?

Hi! I'm researching graduate programs and am looking to focus on ecology, neuroscience, and public health. I would love, for example, to study the brain of a specific animal and translate the findings into implications for public health and climate change. My bachelor's is in public health and I'm very interested in merging ecological sciences in the near future. If anyone has any leads as to where this intersection may lie, I would love to hear about it!

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Aya604 views

What can I do with an ecology major and geographic information system minor?

I recently applied to college as an ecology major and GIS minor. I'm not too familiar with GIS but I was wondering what sort of careers would utilize it in the ecology field.

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Annaliese575 views

Is marine biology a good job?

Is marine biology a fun hands on job. That's what I really want to be when I grow up, any advice?

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Cristofer578 views

How do I go about starting a career in ecology and conservation ?

How do I go about starting a career in ecology and conservation? I’ve worked in healthcare for 14 years and need to be out asap. I love science and want to have meaningful work just need to be away from healthcare. It’s hard to see that there is little care in healthcare, mainly just capitalism. I am hoping for a departure from that by going into ecology and conservation work. I’m just not sure where to start.

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Jordyn1391 views

What sort of careers combine environmental sciences with directly working with animals/in the environment?

I'm interested in studying for a career in this field but I'm not sure exactly where to start to find the type of work I'm looking for.

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Vanessa262 views

What can I do to ensure I obtain a job in the field of ecology?

I'm entering ASU in the fall and majoring in ecology. I've had a passion for nature all my life.

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Youssef291 views

Which option is promising for a tech and nature enthusiast?

I am passionate about the integration of technology into conservation biology. Which option is better? Double Major in Ecology and Conservation Biology and Data Science Major in Ecology and Conservation Biology + Minor in Data Science/GIS

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Jasmine385 views

I want to be an LCSW what do I need to do?

I am a senior in college studying psychology to become a LCSW. I do not have any internships, and my GPA IS 2.6. I am trying to bring that up as close to 3.0 as possible before I graduate next semester. Is there anything else I should have to bolster my application? I also am in a service organization and work with underserved populations and. I have a brother with severe intellectual disability, so I have experience around people with challenges. I am considering taking a fieldwork class next semester to get more experience with developmentally challenged individuals.

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David732 views

What types of Colleges or Universities offer classes on Environmental science? (Or Environmental science research if possible)

Hey, I'm David. I am 16 years old and am looking for colleges or Universities that focus on research rather than hands on.#Environment #environmental-science #Ecology #environmental-services #research

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David675 views

Is there such thing as a job that does both environmental science research and teaching?

Bad at multitasking, athletic, like to read, like having fun and being creative. #Environment #environmental-science #environmental-services #Ecology

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Sarah926 views

What's the best way to contact future grad school advisors?

#graduate-school #ecology

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Belle531 views

What are the steps to become a helper for saving the rainforest?

I love learning about rainforests. I used to make little rainforests and show it to my class. I wanted to learn what the steps for helping the rainforest. I want to help out. #rainforest #saving #helping #forestry #ecology

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Ezra730 views

Wildlife And Ecology Opportunities For High School Students?

What are some routes to get involved in ecology, conservation, wildlife #biology #veterinary med, etc. as a high school student? I am referring to particular programs rather than general advice. Example: Wild Bird Fund in NYC. Anything (inter)national or based in NYC. #conservation #ecology #wildlife

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Jared791 views

What is it you like most and least about this career?

#Urbanforestry #urban-forestry #forestry #environment #environmental-science #ecology #biology

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Kalaunie641 views

What are three important things I should know about this job

Urban forestry #urban-forestry #forestry #environment #environmental-science #ecology #biology

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Sam777 views

If I have a BS in Psychology, will I be accepted for a MS in Ecology ?

I am a US citizen living in Australia, I have been out of school for 2 1/2 years, and I would like to go back to school to earn a masters in Ecology or a related field. I would like to know if this is possible in the USA, but I want to go to school in Central Europe. Would a foreign school in Austria or Germany accept me for an ecology program if my Bachelor's is in a different scientific field. #science #graduate-school #ecology #study-abroad #Austria #Germany #environmental-science #masters #Europe

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Sam1350 views

If I have a BS in Psychology, will I be accepted for a Master's in Ecology ?

I am a US citizen living in Australia, I have been out of school for 2 1/2 years, and I would like to go back to school to earn a masters in Ecology or a related field. I would like to know if this is possible in the USA, but I want to go to school in Central Europe. Would a foreign school in Austria or Germany accept me for an ecology program if my Bachelor's is in a different scientific field. #science #graduate-school #ecology #study-abroad #Austria #Germany #environmental-science #masters #Europe

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Sam737 views

If I have a BS in Psychology, can I apply for a Master's in Ecology abroad?

I am a US citizen living in Australia, I have been out of school for 2 1/2 years, and I would like to go back to school to earn a masters in Ecology or a related field. I would like to know if this is possible in the USA, but I want to go to school in Central Europe. Would a foreign school in Austria or Germany accept me for an ecology program if my Bachelor's is in a different scientific field. #science #graduate-school #ecology #study-abroad #Austria #Germany #environmental-science #masters #Europe

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Sam845 views

If I have a BS in Psychology, can I apply for a Master's in Ecology?

I am a US citizen living in Australia, I have been out of school for 2 1/2 years, and I would like to go back to school to earn a masters in Ecology or a related field. I would like to know if this is possible in the USA, but I want to go to school in Central Europe. Would a foreign school in Austria or Germany accept me for an ecology program if my Bachelor's is in a different scientific field. #science #graduate-school #ecology #study-abroad #Austria #Germany #environmental-science #masters #Europe

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Patricia900 views

How to propose to professor ready for research?

Next semester I am transferring to a new school as a junior. After e-mailing two professors about an independent research class, one e-mailed back mentioning that while I have a lot of research experience, students in their first semester are not normally approved to do independent research and I should contact the other teacher about it. If the other teacher says similar, what would be a good response in hopes to persuade them? My first e-mail listed previous experience and what topics interest me for research and what skills I hope to gain. I thought it may be beneficial to provide the teacher's contact information that previous research was conducted under since she knows what I am capable of and has seen how hard I work. My first semester will also be an easier semester since I am taking two ecology classes (one with lab) that cover some of the same material (both prerequisites for diff. classes I hope to take), plus an Intro to Biology 2 class taken already covered many different ecology topics. Two other classes will be taken that have no lab component and are intro classes. Should I include the information that the semester would not be too demanding with other classes which would make it beneficial to include the research class? What other information should I include? #ecology #conservation #college #research

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Patricia951 views

Wildlife Biology or Wildlife Biology with a concentration in Wildlife Rehabilitation?

Next year, I will be transferring to a school and pursuing a Wildlife Biology Bachelor's degree. Originally, the Wildlife Biology degree with a concentration in Wildlife Rehabilitation interested me because I thought the rehabilitation concentration would provide increased skills. My career goal is wildlife conservation/research. The concentration requires specific classes that focus on wildlife education (public presentations) and rehabilitation skills. Would the concentration take away or add to my competitiveness for wildlife conservation? The concentration does require a clinical at the rehabilitation center and originally I saw it as a way to increase my animal handling skills that would provide animal handling experience for future wildlife monitoring/research work. My other electives classes will be focusing on ecology and field classes. #ecology #conservation #biology #veterinary

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celeste1161 views

What does an enviormentalist exactly do? is it a wide range or a specific job?

Because I want to major in being an environmentalist and a lot of people ask me exactly what I will be doing and I really do not know how to answer that. I just want to major in helping the environment. #environmental-services #college #environmental-science #ecology #biology #environmentalism #conservation

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Sean810 views

What type of employment can I obtain with a B.S. in #wildlife conservation/environmental science#?

#Environmental science# and wildlife conservation are what I will major in while in college. #environmental-science #biology #ecology #wildlife-conservation

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Christian972 views

How to manage a double major, specifically in ecology and neurobiology?

As a senior high school student, I have two years of experience in ecology research. Having applied to 15 universities, I have targeted schools with cutting-edge research in ecology and neurobiology and flexible degree plans. I would like a personal perspective on co-managing two majors. #ecology #neurobiology #neuroscience #medicine #neurology #neurosurgery

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Christian679 views

Which American universities focus on nutrition in relation to neurobiology?

I am a senior high school student with a several year experience in ecological theory and ecological agriculture. My work has lead me to study how food impacts brain health and development. I already have several mentors, including a neurobiologist, and am looking for more perspectives. I have applied to 15 universities. #medicine #ecology #nutrition #neurobiology #biology #college #research

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Ashley1959 views

What does the typical day of an environmental scientist look like?

So, I understand that it a very, VERY broad field. But, I am curious as to the range of jobs and daily activities associated with working within the environmental sciences/biology/geology? Thank you! #environmental-science #biology #environmental-geology #geology #ecology

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Lonita857 views

What jobs are available for a biology major?

I have always loved studying biology in school. I have actually taken all of the science courses offered to my school i love science so much. Upon speaking to the schools guidance counselor, I found that i truly wanted to major in biology. What jobs would be achievable with a #biology major? I always dreamed of working with animals, but not testing on them. I would love to become a veterinarian but there is a lot of schooling involved there, and i feel as if i would get lost along the way. The specific major I was looking into was Biology with Ecology Concentration, but i have no idea what i would be able to manage with this. #wildlife-biology #ecology

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Sedona1072 views

Which college provides the best programs for both science and teaching?

I am interested in both biology and education, so I was wondering which colleges or universities (preferably Northeast) have the best programs for these two careers. #science #teaching #biology #education #ecology #environmental-services #evolutionary-biology #biology-teacher

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