What are some jobs relevant to cyber security that I can acquire while attending graduate school ?
I'm in my first year of my cybersecurity graduate program and I want to obtain a part-time job working in roles related to cybersecurity. I'm wondering what kinds of positions I should be looking for that will allow me to obtain relevant experience. I would like something that will better prepare me for what working in the information security industry looks like. Any advice is greatly appreciated. #Cyber Security #information-technology #cyber-security #web-development #law #law-enforcement
7 answers
Aparna’s Answer
I would definitely suggest aiming to understand the best security architecture practices. Getting hands on experience in drawing the network diagrams, zoning and perimeter controls will give a good understanding of how a secure network could be implemented. I also would advise getting a hold of the CISSP book and understanding the different domains. That will definitely give you an idea on the various aspects of security.
Haider’s Answer
Networking and endpoint/server troubleshooting try to be part of technical support or NOC "Network Operation Center" then move your way up into deployment of networking & servers equipment then security devices like "NGFW, IPS, WAF, DAM, DLP, Encryption" .. remember getting all basic and foundation right will help you a lot in being advanced in security later on.

Joel’s Answer
Tina’s Answer
Cyber security, is comprised of policy, standards and process. The technical controls are the processes used to enforce the policy in place. Those in the cyber profession must understand the policies in order to assist in meeting business outcomes and in preventing bad actors from causing damage to the Company's brand reputation.
Additionally, today's technical dependencies and dependencies on the data generated in all industries, getting a good grasp of the legislative landscape that affects the industry you are in will also provide you to which you must operate under.
Cyber Security is broad, you can absolutely find and area within it to fit your passions. Good luck!
Daniel’s Answer
If you have a focused area, you have interest in (e.g., incident response) I would suggest looking for intern opportunities in that area. There are many great companies that offer intern opportunities. If you are unsure of what you would like to focus on its perfectly normal. If that is the case, I would try finding an intern position which is broader. Either one in strategy, consulting, working in or with any CISO office, which can really give you exposure to multiple types and roles within Cyber Security. That can really help you form a good sense of what the different roles are and where you are have the most interest. If you cannot find such a position, I would try multiple different intern programs in different fields that interest you year over year.
Hopefully, this helps and please let me know if you would like to connect and discuss further.