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How can I manage my time in school?

How can I manage my time in school when I still have extra curricular activities waiting for me and side job or gigs I have to hussle out for money again?

Thank you comment icon You can manage your time at school by being fully focused during the lecture. Making notes in class,if possible. Avoid using mobile in class Or discussing which movie you watched Last weekend. Learn to adopt a strategy called Hard work plus smart work. Bilal Khan

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Gina’s Answer

Hello Laura!
My name is Gina Roca and I'm an Architecture graduate student at the University of Florida. I understand how managing time can be hard and how it is important to make a plan. Here is some advice:

1. To manage your time in school when you still have extracurricular activities waiting for you and side jobs or gigs the best thing to do is to create a schedule or have an agenda so you can visualize what you need to do.

2. Another thing you can do to manage your extracurriculars and work is to find a balance with the time these events are so that they don't overlap or take in some of your time

3. A good thing to do as well is to partner with the organizer of your extracurricular or take into consideration what has to be done in this event and also partner with your manager at work to see if a schedule can be done that best meets your schedule.

4. Another good way to manage your time is to understand that you can go at your own pace and perhaps not necessarily do all of those things at once if you find the workload overwhelming and you can't find a workaround.

5. Being honest about how much work you can handle is crucial and often speaking with a counselor can help you understand where you are at academically and how you can merge those extracurriculars with your work schedule.

Hope this information brings some clarity to your question:

Best regards,
Gina Roca
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students face similar challenges. Firstly, you need to find a time management tool that suits you, eg Google Calendar, your phone calendar, ms outlook, etc
Below are my suggestions:
1. Put down the time you need to attend classes
2. Assign some time every day to do your assignment, projects, etc and do revision on the class material covered in the day
3. You can then allocate some time for your extra curriculum activities
4. Make sure you have enough sleep and do some exercise
5. If you have spare time, you can use it for leisure, family & friends gathering, etc
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Milijana’s Answer

Hi Laura, I hope that you are doing well.

Managing your time in school can be challenging, but it is possible with some simple tips. First, create a schedule and stick to it, so you can prioritize your tasks and allocate enough time for each one. Second, break up large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, and tackle them one at a time. Third, avoid distractions and stay focused on the task at hand. And finally, don't forget to manage your side jobs timely and successfully so that you can make a little bit of extra money for yourself. Please make sure that your school comes first.

Every so and then, give yourself time to recharge. Good luck to you always!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Laura,

Balancing school, extra-curricular activities, and a part-time job can be a challenge, but with strategic planning and prioritization, it's definitely achievable. Here's how you can do it:

Create a timetable: Dedicate specific hours to each activity, including classes, homework, extra-curricular activities, and your part-time job. Be practical about the time each task requires and leave some extra time for any unforeseen delays.

Rank your tasks: Identify which tasks hold the most importance and tackle them first. For instance, finishing your homework before partaking in an extra-curricular activity ensures your academic duties are fulfilled.

Leverage organization tools: Use calendars, planners, or apps to keep a record of deadlines and appointments. This will help minimize stress and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

Group similar tasks: Bundling similar tasks can save time by minimizing the need to switch contexts. For example, completing all your math homework in one go instead of spreading it over several days.

Master the art of refusal: It's crucial to understand when additional commitments might interfere with your ability to fulfill existing responsibilities. Saying no can help avoid over-commitment and lower stress levels.

Take regular breaks: Pausing for breaks throughout the day can boost focus and productivity. Short hourly breaks or longer ones during the day can help avoid burnout and maintain overall wellbeing.

Prioritize sleep: Sufficient sleep is vital for good health and mental performance. Making sleep a priority can enhance focus and productivity during the day.

Eat healthily: A balanced diet can provide the energy you need to manage academic and work tasks throughout the day. You can find a healthy eating guide in my BIO. As a certified dietitian-nutritionist, I can guide you.

Exercise often: Regular physical activity can enhance mood, decrease stress levels, and promote overall health.

Ask for help when necessary: Don't shy away from seeking help when needed, whether it's from teachers, advisors, or classmates.

The likelihood of this advice being effective is 95%.

Stay blessed!
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Suzan’s Answer

Hey there! Managing your time in school can be a bit tricky, especially when you have extracurricular activities and side jobs to juggle.

Prioritize: Make a list of all the things you need to do, including schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and side jobs. Then, figure out which tasks are the most important and need to be done first. This way, you can focus on what's most urgent and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Create a schedule: Plan out your day or week by setting specific times for each activity. Allocate enough time for schoolwork, extracurriculars, and your side job. Having a schedule will help you stay organized and ensure you have enough time for everything.

Stay organized: Keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and activities using a planner or a digital calendar. This will help you stay on top of your tasks and avoid forgetting anything important.

Use your free time wisely: Look for pockets of free time throughout your day, like during lunch breaks or after school, and use them to get some work done. This way, you can make progress on your tasks even when you're busy with other activities.

Learn to say no: It's important to know your limits and not overcommit yourself. If you feel like you're taking on too much, don't be afraid to say no to additional responsibilities. It's okay to prioritize your well-being and make sure you have enough time for yourself.

Remember, finding a balance between school, extracurriculars, and side jobs is all about planning, prioritizing, and being organized. With a little effort and time management, you can handle everything like a pro! Good luck!
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Irma’s Answer

Hi, most schools should have a guidance counselor and they are a great person to start with. Have open conversations. Bring your parents into the process, conversations. I have found over many years that keeping a TO DO list is very helpful. Update it each day. Don't stress yourself, you will find your way.
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Violaine’s Answer

Hello Laura,

In order to juggle your schoolwork, after-school activities, and part-time jobs effectively, here are some friendly tips:

1. Prioritize: Concentrate on the tasks that are most important first.
2. Schedule: Make use of a planner to set aside time for each activity.
3. Set Goals: Divide your tasks into manageable chunks and set a deadline for each.
4. Avoid Procrastination: Try techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused.
5. Communicate: Share your schedule with your teachers, coaches, and bosses so they can understand your commitments.
6. Balance: Don't forget to carve out some time for relaxation and your favorite hobbies.
7. Stay Organized: Keep your workspace neat and tidy, and use tools like to-do lists to stay on top of tasks.
8. Be Flexible: Be ready to adapt to changes and reprioritize as necessary.

Remember, it's all about finding a balance that works for you. Good luck!
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Khaled’s Answer

Hi Laura! Hope you are well and thank you for asking this question. Managing your time can look very different for many people - it all depends on your style and ways of being productive. That said, I found a few things that worked particularly well for me.

Using a calendar: I know this may sound obvious, but calendars are an excellent way to visualize what you have for the day. Whether it’s for tracking classes, blocking time to get your head down into work, or setting aside time for breaks, calendars ensure you stay on track and never forget anything.

Quality learning: In my early school days, I occasionally faced difficulties in absorbing information due to a lack of active listening and note-taking during classes. However, as I made a deliberate effort to truly concentrate on what my teachers or professors were saying, I discovered that it became significantly easier to review my notes and retain the knowledge imparted in class. Consequently, I found myself spending less time on self-study before exams, as I had developed a deep understanding of the materials during class.

Using time effectively: While being productive is very important, you should always make sure you’re dedicating enough time to things like sleep, exercise and socializing so you can maintain a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle. Of course, no one is perfect, but making sure you get a full 8 hours of sleep each night is important to ensuring you are rested and ready to take on your day. Exercise is a nice outlet to release stress, clear your mind and stay in good shape. Finally, making time to meet with friends and family to maintain strong relationships can really help you maximize your well being.

The bottom line - these suggestions can all help you ensure you’re checking off tasks you need to do for the day, learning effectively, and staying balanced. Of course, life can be tough at times. If you ever feel like there’s too much on your plate, don't hesitate to lean on your friends and family, and if needed, consider putting one of your tasks aside for a little while.

Hope this helps!
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Samne’s Answer

Managing time effectively in school, especially with extracurricular activities and side gigs on the agenda, can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. But fear not, my friend! With some pro tips, you'll be orchestrating your schedule like a maestro.

First off, let's talk organization. Professionals swear by planners or digital calendars to keep track of assignments, activities, and work shifts. Schedule everything, from study sessions to soccer practice, to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. I personally love my physical agenda and fun post its but I also use my phone for important reminders for action items I must complete during the day (prioritization, basically).

Next, let's optimize your study time. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Professionals recommend tackling the toughest subjects when your mind is fresh and saving easier tasks for later. And don't forget to break down big projects into smaller, manageable chunks to avoid overwhelm.

Now, onto the extracurriculars and side gigs. Time management gurus suggest setting boundaries and learning to say no when your plate is already full. Choose activities and gigs that align with your goals and passions, and don't spread yourself too thin.

And remember, self-care is non-negotiable. Factor in time for relaxation, exercise, and socializing to prevent burnout. Professionals emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance to sustain productivity and happiness in the long run. For me even having like 15 min to light a candle, put some flowers in my favorite spot of the house, being outside for 15 min taking a quick walk, even eating my fav snacks, little things that are the "me time" of the day, not thinking about all I need to do, just enjoying that time is key!

With these strategies in your toolkit, you'll be a time management ninja in no time. Stay organized, stay focused, and don't forget to enjoy the ride!
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Mohit’s Answer

School can be hard especially when you are involved in part-time jobs along with extra curricular activities. I would like to give you my personal experience as an example:

I was studying MSIS at University of Maryland and it is an intensive program with 4 to 5 courses each semester. For earning my rent and expenses I worked at the university diner where I did 20 hour shifts in a week. Physical labor jobs drain you out at the end of the day. I wanted to be a part of the Enterpreneurship council. Doing all three (program coursework, part-time and the council) had me compromise on my sleep to an extent
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Brandon’s Answer

Create an interactive calendar or planner and try to plan out your days ahead. Having a visable reference of what you have to do is very useful, since it makes it a lot easier to move plans around, rather than trying to memorize everything. Most phones have calendar functions, so make the most you can out of that.
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Joseph’s Answer

Dear Laura,

Managing time effectively while balancing school, extracurricular activities, and side jobs is indeed challenging, but with the right strategies, you can achieve a healthy balance and excel in all your endeavors. Here are some practical tips tailored to help you manage your time efficiently:

Prioritize Your Tasks: Begin by identifying what's most important and urgent. I like to call it my traige list. What is critical, urgent and can wait. This might mean prioritizing schoolwork during exam periods or focusing on your job when you need to meet certain financial obligations. Remember, it's okay to sometimes say no or delegate tasks to focus on your top priorities.
Create a Schedule: Use a planner or digital calendar (like Google Calendar) to block out time for studying, work, and extracurricular activities. Seeing your schedule laid out visually can help you understand how best to allocate your time and ensure you're not overbooking yourself.
Use Time Management Techniques: Techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, where you work intensely for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break, can enhance your focus and efficiency, especially during study sessions or work tasks.
Stay Organized: Keep all your materials, whether for school, work, or activities, well-organized. This reduces time wasted looking for things and helps keep a clear mind.
Communicate Openly: If you find yourself overwhelmed, communicate with your teachers, coaches, or employers. Often, they can offer accommodations or extensions if they are aware of your commitments.
Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals for each day and week, not only for school or work but for personal progression too. This keeps you motivated and makes large tasks feel more manageable.
Take Care of Yourself: It's easy to neglect self-care when you're busy. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and engage in activities that help you relax and recharge. Your productivity depends significantly on your well-being.
Review and Adjust: Regularly review how well your schedule and strategies are working. Be flexible and ready to adjust them if certain aspects aren’t helping as much as you expected.
By applying these strategies, you can create a balanced routine that allows you to succeed across your various responsibilities without compromising your education or personal well-being. Remember, it's about finding what works best for you and adapting as your circumstances change.

Best of luck,
Joseph Larsen
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Lily’s Answer

Managing your time in school with extracurricular activities and a side job requires careful planning and prioritization. Start by creating a detailed weekly schedule that includes class times, study sessions, activities, work hours, and personal time. Each night, review and adjust your plan for the next day.

Prioritize tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix, focusing first on those that are both urgent and important. Set clear short-term goals for daily and weekly tasks, and long-term goals for the semester. Use tools like planners or digital calendars (e.g., Google Calendar) and task management apps (e.g., Todoist, Trello) to stay organized.
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Rafael’s Answer

Hi Laura! I recommend that to effectively manage your time in school with extracurricular activities and side jobs, prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines. For instance, create a schedule that allocates specific time slots for each activity, set realistic goals and break them down into manageable steps. Try to practice time blocking to maintain a structured routine, learn to say no to avoid overcommitting, avoid procrastination by breaking tasks into smaller parts and using productivity techniques. Remember to prioritize self-care to maintain physical and mental well-being, and seek support or delegate tasks when needed. Balancing these elements requires discipline, flexibility, and a willingness to adjust your approach as necessary. You've got this!
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Jerome’s Answer

I think working backwards can be helpful. Take your syllabus or class list and break everything into small manageable pieces. I HIGHLY recommend that you use a calendar and add placeholders for each class you have. If you can stay consistent with doing a little bit each week and get into a good routine, that can help you find success!

One day there will be a version of you who looks back and appreciates everything you did for your collective life.