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How to find the best career for you and how do you know that career is the right one for you and what are your values in term of the right career??

I enjoy fixing things, helping people, and keeping people safe.

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Subject: Career question for you


8 answers

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William’s Answer

My biggest piece of advice along these lines would be to actively put effort into understanding yourself as well as possible. Whether that be understanding what it is that drives and pushes you forward...or what you absolutely can't stand or put up with.

It can be tricky to find an absolute "best" career for yourself but try to keep in mind that you are not limited to whatever path you decide to start down. There is plenty of room for flexibility and dabbling within numerous fields. So try your best to be patient with yourself as you strive to figure all of this out. You don't NEED to know for certain at this very moment in time. :)
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Atul’s Answer

Consider speaking with your school guidance counselor as a starting point for exploring potential career paths.
Identify the subjects that spark your interest, as they could guide you towards your future career.
Since you've expressed an interest in fixing things, think about entering trades such as electrician work, plumbing, carpentry, or automotive repair through a trade school.
Alternatively, if you're drawn to the digital world, you could study Computer Science. This would allow you to correct coding mistakes or oversights made by others.
If your passion lies in protecting others, consider pursuing a law degree. This would enable you to help juveniles avoid lifelong imprisonment simply because they can't afford bail. Numerous organizations hire lawyers to protect people's rights, including in New York, led by Bryan Stevenson.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Katherine,

Finding the Best Career for You and Ensuring it’s the Right Fit

Finding the best career for you involves a combination of self-assessment, exploration, and evaluation. Here are some steps to help you identify a career that aligns with your interests, values, and skills:

1. Self-Assessment:

Identify Your Interests: Reflect on activities you enjoy doing in your free time. Think about what subjects or tasks excite you the most.
Assess Your Skills: Consider your strengths and weaknesses. Identify skills you excel at and areas where you would like to improve.
Clarify Your Values: Determine what is important to you in a career. For example, if helping people, fixing things, and ensuring safety are crucial to you, prioritize roles that align with these values.

2. Explore Career Options:

Research Different Industries: Look into various industries that interest you. Explore job roles within those industries to get a better understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities.
Seek Informational Interviews: Reach out to professionals in fields you are considering. Conduct informational interviews to gain insights into different careers.

3. Evaluate Potential Careers:

Match Skills and Interests: Assess how well your skills and interests align with the requirements of different careers.
Consider Work Environment: Think about the work environment that suits you best. Some people thrive in fast-paced settings, while others prefer a more structured environment.
Evaluate Long-Term Goals: Consider how a particular career path aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations.

4. Confirming the Right Career Fit:

Trial Periods or Internships: Consider internships or short-term positions in fields of interest to test the waters before committing long-term.
Seek Mentorship: Connect with professionals who can provide guidance and mentorship as you navigate your career path.
Listen to Your Gut: Pay attention to your intuition. If a certain career feels like the right fit for you, trust your instincts.

In conclusion, finding the best career for you involves a blend of self-reflection, exploration, evaluation, and confirmation through practical experiences.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

Harvard Business Review: The Harvard Business Review provides valuable insights on career development strategies, self-assessment tools, and tips for finding the right career fit based on individual values and interests.

The Balance Careers: The Balance Careers offers comprehensive resources on exploring different career options, conducting self-assessments, and evaluating potential careers based on personal values and preferences.

Forbes: Forbes is known for its expert advice on career planning, skill assessment techniques, and tips for confirming whether a chosen career path aligns with one’s values and aspirations.

God Bless You,
James Constantine.
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Pamela’s Answer

Hi Katherine
Finding the best career for you involves a combination of self-reflection, exploration, and assessment of your values and skills. Here are some steps to help you identify the right career for you:

1. Self-assessment: Start by reflecting on your skills, interests, values, and strengths. Consider what activities you enjoy doing, what values are important to you, and what skills you excel in. This will help you identify potential career paths that align with your strengths and values.

2. Career exploration: Research different industries and career paths that align with your interests and values. Talk to professionals in those fields, read job descriptions, and explore different career options to get a better understanding of what each role entails.

3. Skills assessment: Assess your skills and qualifications to determine what type of training or education you may need to pursue a particular career. Consider taking career aptitude tests or assessments to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Seek guidance: Seek advice from career counselors, mentors, or professional coaches to help you navigate the process of finding the right career. They can provide you with valuable insights, resources, and guidance to help you make an informed decision.

5. Trial and error: Sometimes the best way to know if a career is the right fit for you is to try it out. Consider taking on internships, volunteering, or part-time jobs in your desired field to gain hands-on experience and determine if it aligns with your values and interests.

In terms of values, it's important to consider what is most important to you in a career. Some common values to consider when determining the right career for you include work-life balance, job stability, opportunities for growth and advancement, fulfilling work, autonomy, and a sense of purpose.

Ultimately, the best career for you is one that aligns with your values, allows you to utilize your skills and strengths, and provides you with fulfillment and satisfaction. By taking the time to assess your interests, skills, and values, and exploring different career options, you can find a career that is the right fit for you.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students have similar question. Firstly, you need to find out what careers you have interest. That's your right career.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about what you have interest, eg your hobbies, favourite subjects, etc and identify the related careers
Eg if you like music, would you like to be a musician, singer, musical artist, music composer, music producer,etc
If you have interest to become maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Bonnie’s Answer

Hello Katherine, we all find ourselves pondering this question at various stages of our lives. My most valuable suggestion is to refine your list based on your dreams and passions, a process you seem to have already initiated. Next, immerse yourself in professions that revolve around aiding others to gain a comprehensive view of the possibilities. This exploration should assist you in pinpointing a career path, considering the vast array of choices available. If, by chance, you don't stumble upon something that truly captivates your interest, my final advice would be to opt for a versatile field like business. Here, you can blend a wide range of skills. Wishing you the very best in your journey!
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Annah’s Answer

Katherine, I really love this question and your list of interests! So- fixing things, helping people, and safety. You may want to explore the O*net. It is an online database of jobs. You can choose to complete their 'interest profiler' to explore your interests and see what types of jobs fall underneath. You can also check out the updated version of the book, What Color is my Parachute? But even just working with these three interests and what you like about fixing things or keeping people safe is a great start. Create three columns or designate three sheets of paper for each category. Then brainstorm everything that comes to mind for each one (and I mean anything- try not to censor yourself and simply let your imagination roam). After doing this, see if anything stands out and if there is overlap (repeated ideas or themes). In doing so, you might come up with more interests or have a better sense about what to explore next. Knowing your personality is also key- do you like working with people or prefer being alone? Do you like children or prefer peers? Do you want a job that is active or prefer a more sedentary position (at a desk or computer)? Are you someone who enjoys a lot of structure to their day, or prefer every day being different? Do you enjoy leadership or prefer to be part of a team? It is okay if you do not know the answers; sometimes this comes with experience. Exploration takes time; take some risks along the way and fail hard! Failure is inevitable; it is one of the best ways to learn about yourself and build resiliency. If you attend a liberal arts college, you will be taking a variety of classes the first year. This may also inform your plan of study. Expose yourself to different environments and cultures. If possible, travel. Travel is an incredible teacher and opens up new possibilities and perspectives. Stay away from the notion there is a perfect job or career. And keep in mind you can pursue what you love outside of work as well. Not every passion will be lucrative enough to sustain you financially (though sometimes it might)!
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Emmanuel’s Answer

Hi Katherine,

I wish you a wonderful adventure in your career. To get a great and nice career you have to do WHAT YOU LOVE, that is the initial thing to do. Because today, there are some people who work just for getting much money. And if you analyze deeply these individuals, you will notice that they are not happy in what they do as work. What is important for them is money, and not the love to do what they are asked for. I am not against MONEY. No.
Every worker needs, deserves, and must get a wage for what he/she does.
But what I want to tell you, is so crucial, it helped me. To find your best career, try to make a list of all things that you love. They can be: "fixing things, helping and protecting other people" as you cited. And then, find jobs related to these subjects you love.
1- I love fixing things = career/job: engineer or mechanic of (plane, car, ship) etc
2- I love helping people = career/job: teacher, motivational coach, nurse, midwife etc
3- I love keeping people safe = career/job: policewoman, lawyer etc

Proceed the list as I did above, prioritize some of them and do not forget to seek and put what you love. After doing it, surely, you will get and notice what is your right career and how it looks like.

Thanks for sharing your question, and have a good career.
God bless you!