Career questions tagged chicago

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Ryan992 views

I’m planning to major in Computer Science. My top choice is Northwestern, but I also love Boston, and MIT would be fantastic for Computer Science education. However, I heard MIT is not the best for undergrad, mainly due to stress and student life. Should I do Northwestern for undergrad and MIT for my masters?

I am about to be a senior in high school. I plan to work in the aerospace field writing autonomous navigation software. My GPA is 4.4, ACT is 35, and I have many extracurricular, including being a NASA HAS scholar. #computer-science #college #science #college-admissions #northwestern #nu #northwestern-university #mit #boston #chicago #undergrad #masters

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Markell554 views

how many cna workers are in Chicago IL

#CNA #nursing #chicago

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Amanda554 views

How can I volunteer to improve Chicago-area healthcare?

I am a pre-med student at Purdue majoring in Public Health looking for more clinical experience. I am interested in healthcare disparities and epidemiology. Additionally, I am interested in the specialties OBGYN, endocrinology, cardiology, pulmonology, dermatology, and urology, but I am open to volunteering/shadowing anywhere! #premed #medicine #healthcare #chicago

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Jacobi491 views

What does a typical day look like as a nursing assistant ?

#Chicago #nursingassistant #nurse #healthcare

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Ryan515 views

If I become a certified nursing assistant, will I have the opportunity to advance in my career, or will I have to go back to school?

#Chicago #nursing

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Angela1182 views

What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to DePaul University?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to DePaul University? #college #chicago

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Alexa690 views

What are the most and least rewarding aspects of pursuing a career in which you are interested in but not great at.

I am going to pursue Engineering, however, I have never taken a physics or calculus class. It is the only career field that I enjoy and have participated in many engineering programs. #engineering #chicago #computer-science

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