Career questions tagged collegeisexpensive

How much do student loans effect your long term financial wellness?

Potential Scholarships
What are some scholarships I can apply to? #collegeisexpensive #wothit

How do I find a good apartment to rent near my college?
I live in California currently and I need to apply for renting a place in New York because that's where my college is. It is super difficult looking for places when I can't really be there in person at the moment. I need to rent because the room and board at my college is super expensive and it would put my family $20,000 in debt. Please Help! #apartment #rent #college #collegeisexpensive #debt #tuition #california #newyork

When applying for scholarships, what are some ways I can make myself stand out so that I can be more competitive?
I am trying to apply to as many scholarships as possible, but I always feel like I do not stand out enough. #financialaid #collegeisexpensive #collegedebt

How did you deal with college debt?
Graduating with very little debt is very important to me. #collegeisexpensive

Where should I look for scholarships?
I've been looking since last year to hopefully prepare for when I go off to college. But, every website that I've been on have really been a hit and miss and almost nothing is for me. #helpme #needfunds #collegeisexpensive #college #financial-aid #scholarships