Career questions tagged youth-ministry

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Jana1263 views

How long will the process be for becoming a pastor?

I would like to know more about becoming a pastor.

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Kyle630 views

How is Youth Ministry like ? Do you guys talk to young kids and teens most of the time ?

I want to begin a career in Youth Ministry, but I want to know what it is like to be in the Youth Ministry. #youth-ministry

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Joy Clarisse1222 views

How did you get to be successful in youth ministry?

I am going to college to get an M. Div in Pastoral Studies and I plan to be a youth minister. How do I make sure I can be successful in this? #leadership #youth #ministry #youth-ministry #youth-leadership #christian #ordained-ministry #youth-advocacy

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Abby1333 views

What are the responsibilities involved in a Youth Minister Position?

My name is Abby I am a Senior in high school and I have been looking into the field of ministry. The idea of this job interests me because of it being tied into my faith, and also because it seems to utilize the skills I have, as far as I can tell. I am curious to know what are the different responsibilities involved in being a youth pastor? #ministry #youth-ministry

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Zech1234 views

How do I become a Pastor and start a ministry?

I'm a high school senor I want to become a pastor. I'm reading lots of books on faith and on the Bible and I'm studying under my youth pastor. I'm reading Bible commentaries. Is there any other books I can read? What classes will I need and what else should I do? #youth-ministry #biblical-history #pastor #reading-bible #theology

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Katherine1056 views

What will it take to become a youth pastor?

I am a senior in high school and want to pursue youth ministry in college. However, I am not sure what units and programs will help me best. #college #youth-ministry

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