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Takira Hicks’s Avatar

Takira Hicks

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
1 Answers
655 Reads
12 Karma



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Hi! My name is Takira. I'm 22 years old and currently obtaining my Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education at Georgia Gwinnett College! I am also an AmeriCorps service member, which assists the community by tutoring grades K-5 to prepare and gain knowledgeable insight on my future career. As a current college student, I understand how stressful and overwhelming it can be to keep up with classes and maintain a healthy personal life. I look forward to answering any questions about student life including studying tips, overcoming procrastination, major selection, etc. I am also a huge advocate for promoting mental health and self-empowerment. I can't wait to respond to your questions soon!