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Sean Carey’s Avatar

Sean Carey

Social Media Educator, Evangelist, and Internal Consultant
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
4 Answers
8111 Reads
46 Karma

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Falkyn’s Avatar
Falkyn May 12, 2016 1099 views

What internships should an aspiring video game programmer apply for?

I am interested in making video games and I want to know what I should do to practice for it. #computer-science #computer-games #video-game-development

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine May 13, 2016 1531 views

I want to be an English major, but I'm wondering if there are jobs other than writing related things that English majors are good for? I want to know about availability and diversity in careers for people with this kind of education.

I want to be an English major. #english-composition #academic-english #business-english

Anudari’s Avatar
Anudari May 16, 2016 1202 views

How can one build her/his network?

I'm still an undergraduate student, and would like to expand my network.The trouble is I don't know where to start or even how to begin. Any suggestions based on experience? #networking

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 08, 2016 2065 views

How can I become a professional snapchatter?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. My teacher mentioned that his roommates are professional snapchatters, and they make more money than he does. It sounds like an awesome job- how do you get there? #social-media #snapchat