Jacob Rowe
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I am currently enrolled in Georgia Tech starting this fall, but I am a Global Economics major. Will my major limit my options because I chose to go to a technical school? Can I still have the opportunities an engineering student would have there?
I am currently enrolled in Georgia Tech and will start as a freshman this Fall. Despite Georgia Tech being a technical school, I am interested in Global Economics. Georgia Tech is a very high ranked school and has a variety of science majors but I am afraid my options can be limited because of...

Places to Work
My interest is in robotics, and the other day I was asked if I had any particular places I wanted to work in mind. I said I didn't, but it got me wondering what the best places to work in the field of robotics are?
#Robotics #career #tech #computer-science

After college can I go take more classes
#college #student #any #professional #classes