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Jeremy Lowe’s Avatar

Jeremy Lowe

Freelance Author
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Legal Occupations
Greenville, South Carolina
3 Answers
6958 Reads
2 Karma

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Jaedene’s Avatar
Jaedene Jul 22, 2023 5763 views

How can I improve my writing skills??

I really want to improve my writing skills but I'm not sure how. Is there any websites or practices I could do?

Yili’s Avatar
Yili May 09, 2023 383 views

What are some tips when designing a character?

Like their background, personality and appearance

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Jun 13, 2023 970 views

How do I start coming up with ideas for stories for my writing?

I want to be an professional writer but I’m unsure on how to create or develop the ideas for stories. Are there any tips to create great concepts and stories and actually put them on the page?