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Frederick Eremo’s Avatar

Frederick Eremo

Glazier / Management
Management Occupations - Construction and Extraction Occupations
Las Vegas, Nevada
2 Answers
800 Reads
1 Karma

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Julian’s Avatar
Julian Oct 03, 2023 311 views

What can I do to increase the chances of being an architect?

I’m a middle school student who has been interested in architecture since I was a little kid because of a video game, Minecraft. I’ve began to wonder if that’s what I actually want to do when I’m older. What are the cons and pros to being an architect? Anyone who is or used to be an architect,...

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Oct 01, 2023 531 views

When in highschool does the school start talking about career paths or what I can do after highschool?

Hi I'm a junior right now in highschool and once I got into my junior year I thought they would talk to me more about career paths and what I could do after I graduate but they haven't and I would just like to know when they started for you or when they do. Thanks!