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Dani Brazzle’s Avatar

Dani Brazzle

Senior Program Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Portland, Oregon
4 Answers
4030 Reads
1 Karma

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Jada’s Avatar
Jada Feb 19, 2024 1959 views

Master's or PhD for Marine Biologist?

Hi! I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Biology. I am also conducting water conservation undergrad research and conducting my own research projects is something I really enjoy. Ultimately, I want my graduate degree in Marine Biology and to conduct hands on research on coral reefs. I...

s’s Avatar
s Aug 01, 2023 662 views

how many years of school do most adults take to get their phd?

how many years of school do most adults take to get their phd?

Jaxon’s Avatar
Jaxon Aug 15, 2023 1051 views

What classes should I take if I want to go into aviation in college?

I think I should go into physics and higher math but I don’t know if that would help me with aviation or if it will be a complete waste of time

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 23, 2023 864 views

What should I pick for a long time ive been interested in aviation and plumbing I dont know what I should pick

How do I know if I want to do this