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Margaret Bowen’s Avatar

Margaret Bowen

Recruitment Coordinator Specialist
Sales and Related Occupations
Dublin, County Dublin
2 Answers
479 Reads
1 Karma

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Litzy’s Avatar
Litzy Jun 16 926 views

How do I build up my resume while in high school for future colleges?

I am a high school sophomore and I would like to major in business and/or finance, but I don’t know how or what to do in order to convince colleges to give me scholarships.

Mayda’s Avatar
Mayda Jun 24 463 views

How do i start my own marketing business, that I would later in life like to be able to travel around the world and growing my own firm, and eventually having a team.?

How do i start my own marketing business, that I would later in life like to be able to travel around the world and growing my own firm, and eventually having a team.