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Sabrina’s Avatar


San Mateo, California
3 Questions
136 Karma

Sabrina’s Career Goals

I want to be a high school English teacher or work as a counselor/therapist.



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Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina Feb 09, 2018 1389 views

Does knowing psychology or sociology help when teaching?

My goal is to be a teacher but I'm also interested in psychology and sociology and wonder if having a background in those would help me understand my students better. #teaching #psychology-education #sociology #psychology

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina Jan 20, 2018 941 views

Should I be worried about moving out of my home state?

I plan on moving out of California for college to go up to either Seattle or Portland. I'm also expecting to stay in the area after college instead of returning home. I'm not sure how common this is or even if it would benefit me economically. Something that really worries me is that I won't...

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina Jan 20, 2018 972 views

What is it like to teach English at the high school and college level?

My goal is to become an English teacher. I was planning on pursuing high school but someone suggested college. Since I haven't been to college yet I don't know what teachers are like there. Hearing about different experiences from teaching different levels would help me decide which I would...