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Boston, Massachusetts
2 Questions
91 Karma

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Dhakiya’s Avatar
Dhakiya Dec 01, 2014 1114 views

What colleges in the West coast are well rounded?

I'm a Junior starting to seek out colleges before I get to my Senior year in order to make the transition and decision process smoother. I have been searching for colleges in the West coast, specifically located at least close to or in the city that provide Science Majors like Marine Biology,...

Dhakiya’s Avatar
Dhakiya Dec 01, 2014 1520 views

What majors would I need to study in college in order to become a zoologist?

I'm a Junior in Boston Collegiate Charter School and I am wondering what majors would I specifically have to study in college in order to be best prepared for the career in which I am striving for which so happens to be zoology. #college #zoology