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Jack Pettrakool’s Avatar

Jack Pettrakool

Network Development Principal Engineer at Dell
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Santa Clara, California
3 Answers
4598 Reads
16 Karma

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Mohamed’s Avatar
Mohamed Oct 11, 2019 1976 views

What is better to start among the following, machine learning, deep learning or AI? What are the requerements for a beginner?

Life sciences student (applied DNA technology), python beginner #science #technology #python #coding #AI #ML #neuralnetworks #programming

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Apr 04, 2018 1661 views

What are some things that employeers look for during an interview

Just so I can avoid these or do them #interviewing-skills

Terryn’s Avatar
Terryn Jan 17, 2018 1012 views

How difficult is it to transition from Android to Apple application development?

I have developed several Android and Amazon applications but am interested in releasing on the Apple Store as well. #android #apply #technology #programming #swift #java