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Mary Young’s Avatar

Mary Young

Pharmacist Intern
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
3 Answers
6334 Reads
11 Karma
Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Aug 18, 2018 814 views

Is it hard to become a Pharmacist?

My name is Rachel and i'm an 8th grader at Pikeville Junior High School in Pikeville, Ky. I'm interested in being a pharmacist. I'm wanting to know how hard it is to become a pharmacist and is the hard work worth it?


Maya’s Avatar
Maya Mar 27, 2018 1255 views

What are some key study tips or advice you would forward to first year pharmacy students?

The first year of pharmacy school can be a very exciting, yet scary experience. There is limited time to adjust and it can be difficult to immediately find mentors that are overflowing with tips and help. Overall, what is some general for advice for first year pharmacy students? #pharmacy...

Shayna’s Avatar
Shayna Jun 10, 2018 1504 views

Is there an area of pharmacy where you help people decrease or stop taking prescriptions by making lifestyle changes?

I am a HUGE advocate for individual healthy lifestyle management rather than fixing problems with a #pill. My #dream is to help people become their own health advocates. I want to teach people lifestyle modifications including #nutrition, #physical activity, and managing medications. I believe...