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Isaiah’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
4 Questions
301 Karma

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Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Apr 28, 2016 4410 views

I'm interested in photography and photojournalism. Which one should I major in or minor?

I'm thinking about a career in photojournalism. I want to be a photojournalist. I'm just wondering, what should I major in in order to become a photojournalist? What is it like to be a photojournalist? #journalism #photography #photojournalism

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Apr 06, 2016 1755 views

Game design or computer science?

I'm interested in game design and thinking about pursuing a career in game design. I heard that majoring in computer science is recommended. Is this true? #computer-science #computer #game-design #games #interactive-media

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Oct 13, 2015 4199 views

I'm interested in forensic photography. What classes should I take in college?

I'm in my sophomore year of high school. I'm just curious about the kind of classes to take in college in order to be a forensic photographer. And also what other classes I could take in high school. #photography #forensics

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Isaiah Jun 24, 2015 1671 views

What is it like to be a photographer? What kind of photographer can I be?

I'm in 10th grade and I like to take pictures(mostly landscape) and post them on social media to share it. I like to see pictures on social media where people take pictures of their outfit, or their sneakers, and there's a really nice background. I also want to know how much a photographer...