What are some tips when it comes to making a resume?
I am currently looking for internships in the accounting field. I have never made a resume and don't have any work experience so I am unsure of how to start and what to include in my first resume. I am also wondering what do employers look for in a resume. #resume #internship #job-application #business #job #accounting #finance
23 answers

Irewole Akande
Irewole’s Answer
Your resume is a one page snapshot of personal, academic and professional experience. The following are the major things you'll like to show in your resume:
1. Name & Contact information
2. Summary (Not compulsory, but it can give a good overview of why they should hire you and what you you're looking to do)
3. Your education (Include your college, what you're studying, where you're studying, when you started to where you are now).
4. Skills (This is a rapid fire way to provide a list of skills you have, be it from education or from other activities - Languages, software you've used etc.)
5. Experience (This is the most important part of your resume. This can range from: paid work experience, volunteer experiences, college projects that can highlight or simulate paid work experience)
6. Activities (Not compulsory, this can be anything that could show you have that could show transferable skills or highlight other things that couldn't relate or connect to whoever is looking at it).
Irewole recommends the following next steps:
Chantel’s Answer
When building your resume', pair each bullet point with a detailed story highlighting your skills. For example, if you worked at a fast food restaurant, be able to speak to you experiences and skills developed. Also, don't be afraid to ask for others to take a look at your resume. An extra set of eyes to proofread is priceless.
Chantel recommends the following next steps:
Soliman’s Answer
Justin’s Answer
- Your resume reflects who YOU are and showcases your skills, accomplishments, and personality
- The resume is tailored to the position you are applying to.
I completely agree with what @Irewole has said in his previous answer but think that these two additional tips will set you apart from the crowd for whatever position you seek.
Justin recommends the following next steps:
Haley’s Answer
Based on prior recruiting experience, you should definitely include your degree specific and overall GPAs on your resume. If it is not there, more likely than not, the recruiter will ask you what this is. Additionally, it's always a good practice to try to keep your resume to one page, as this will reflect the most important highlights about yourself. Make sure you are direct in what you are looking for in a career. When attending recruiting events, a lot of firms that attend are aware that college students do not have much experience in a particular field. I think the best thing you can add on a resume to highlight yourself are your recent accomplishments and unique experiences that help you stand out.
Nick’s Answer
There is no required format but there are some good guidelines and it is probably safest to follow some type of template to start with. Different counselors at different schools will provide you with different templates. Most likely either template is acceptable. I agree with the other answers already posted as the main criteria that you should include. I think one of the most important things that I learned about a resume is that you should use the same tense when you are explaining your accomplishments. You can see several different varieties at the link below and any of them should do the trick.
Simeon’s Answer
Christopher’s Answer
Richard’s Answer
Beyond that, clean and simple, with your interests at the bottom (hobbies, real interests, not subinterest in professional field)
Rachael’s Answer
Your resume is going to be one of the most important resources for you in order to apply for you internships. If you don't have work experience it can be difficult to fill out the page. I would suggest including all of your relevant accounting experiences (i.e. any coursework or extracurricular activities related), highlight your technical and soft skills, and point out leadership experiences. Positions will be looking for well-rounded individuals so harping on your other skill sets will be a way to make you stand out. I would suggest utilizing all of your resources to assist you in creating/continually improving your resume to reflect yourself (i.e. professionals within your network, college resource).
Katie’s Answer
Hi Victoria - Be concise and focus on your key accomplishments. What are some of the highlights of your work and academic achievements? Think about those things, rather than just listing your responsibilities. Also, be sure to review and spellcheck your resume!
Rose’s Answer
Lola’s Answer
Aneree’s Answer
Natalie’s Answer