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If you could go back in time and tell your younger-self one thing, what would it be?

What one piece of advice would you want to tell your younger self? Would it be something about jobs and careers, losses and struggles, life and love? What would it be? #business #medicine #marketing #financial-services #social-media #marketing-and-advertising #strategy #customer-service

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30 answers

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Brent’s Answer

I would certainly have spent the extra time needed to better my grades in both high school and college. I would also have pursued a Masters Degree in my field while I’m my 20’s.

I would have become more involved not only in extracurricular activities at both levels of schooling but also helped those who are less fortunate and volunteer as much as I could.

Bottom line is to work hard, do your very best, be honest/ethical/moral and enjoy what you do!!

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JoAnne’s Answer

Actually, this is an important and smart question. If I could speak to my younger self, I would tell her not to care what anyone says or thinks about her, but to just follow her heart and do what she wants to do, as long as it's legal and morally intact. I would elaborate and tell her that this goes for her work life as well as her personal life. In short, I would tell her that she needs to respect herself and like herself, and that what everybody else thinks about her is totally irrelevant, and I KNOW that this is true and wish that I had lived my earlier life that way!!

Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for your answer! I really appreciate it, and your advice is really good! Angelina
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Josie’s Answer

Hi, the one thing that I regret and wish I could go back and do is get a College Education. I cannot tell you how important it is to be educated in order to secure a financial future and not have to accept low paying employment. My daughter is college educated and at 27 years old she is making more money than I have in working for the last 40 years.

Thank you comment icon Good to know, thank you so much! Angelina
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Candi’s Answer

This is a great question and shows you already know how important it is to learn from others.
I would tell my self to not let self doubt get in the way. To understand it is ok to fail or not do well at something right away but learn from those events and grow. Have the courage to try new, difficult uncomfortable things to learn as much as you can. The easy path is rarely the correct or most rewarding one. Work hard, love big and play hard.

Do not delay in developing your skill(s) and career. Think about the long term, the sooner you can reach professional goals, begin earning and more importantly saving the better position you put yourself in, later in life. It may not seem important now but ask yourself if you want to have to work to live later in life or reap the rewards for being smart about money and investing.
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Kathy’s Answer


Great question -- and I love the advice everyone has given you so far!

In my case, I'd tell myself to not let fear of failure/lack of a complete plan stop me from starting down interesting paths -- failure can be an important step on a journey. And if a plan is incomplete... complete it and give that direction a try if it's really promising.

Good luck!

Thank you comment icon Yes, everyone's advice has been amazing and very helpful to me! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question! Your advice is very good, and I'll try not to let failure stop me. Thanks again! Angelina
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Eric’s Answer

Open a ROTH IRA and put in the annual maximum ($5,500). If you do this, and if stocks rose an annual rate of 9% (which has been the average for the last 100 years), you'd have over a million in 30 years. If you withdraw starting at 59 1/2, all that money is yours tax-free.

$5,500 per year is the equivalent of $475 per month. If you do this, you don't have to worry about "saving up" or even buying a house. With other assets you might have, like a 401k, you can retire in your 50s. Even if early retirement isn't what you're seeking, the money you'd have will make you comfortable and secure.

Thank you comment icon Wow, good advice, thank you so much! Angelina
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Shari’s Answer

Start saving early even in college if you can. I wish I would have had some savings to be able to live in the area where I had the best opportunities however some of them were just too expensive just starting out after college. I was able to eventually move to these areas of the country but had I been able to do that earlier in my career I believe my ability to advance would have been expedited.

Shari recommends the following next steps:

Even if you can put aside a little savings it will benefit you in the long run.
Thank you comment icon Great advice, thank you! Angelina
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Alex’s Answer

Do internships! Get that experience early -- it means everything to people who will be assessing your qualifications for hiring later. It may mean doing writing for little or money, but it'll pay dividends later because bylines are everything. Just make sure you transition from free/cheap writing to paid writing as soon as you can.

Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Angelina
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Rainie’s Answer

This is a smart question, and there are many great answers already. Several things.
- Focus on your credit score when you're young and keep it up. Start saving as soon as you can (even small amounts add up fast!).
- Be patient with others. Be insightful and put yourself in their shoes. Also ignore the negative from others. If you are "purposefully naive" and focus soley on bettering yourself & your loved ones, life will be bliss.
- Don't let a relationship take you down (this isn't for me but for many younger people I see). A relationship should only better the two of you. Yes there will be down times, but the majority should be fullfilling.
- Enjoy life! I know that's very cliche, but the older you get the more you realize how short life really is. Just overall make the best of it and be a good person.

Take care!

Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for your answer! It was extremely helpful to me, and all of your tips are really good. I will try to keep them in mind as I go through life! Thanks again! Angelina
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Stephanie’s Answer

The best advice I can give is to not worry so much about what other people think and to be patient.

It can be difficult to not compare yourself to your peers, your colleagues, your formal classmates, etc, especially in a world of social media and other outlets where it can seem like everybody is "more successful" in some way. I spent a lot of time very early in my career worrying about how I was being perceived a lot, versus focusing my energy on being the best version of myself and gaining confidence through experience. That's not to say that you shouldn't be concerned with acting professional, but it can take a lot of energy trying to meet all the same benchmarks as your peers or worrying about being at a certain place in your life early in your career. That energy can be better spent trying new things, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and forming meaningful relationships inside and outside of work.

Patience is also so important early on in your career. It's easy to forget that the most successful people often put decades in before they got to the level they're at today, and to get impatient. The most successful people have grown into their confidence because they've taken some risks, experienced various roles and setbacks, and have learned from their mistakes. You'll learn so much from your first few jobs, but will never stop learning and evolving as a person and a career person. remaining patient and focusing on both short and long term goals can help you achieve your dreams!

Thank you comment icon Thank you for your answer! Your advice is really helpful for me personally, as I struggle with comparing myself to others and worrying about what others think of me. So, thank you again! Angelina
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Alyssa’s Answer

Great question! A few things that come to mind:

1) Take a business and / or economics class in college. Regardless of what direction you go, I think it will be helpful to have broader business context.

2) In any new job, try to meet with as many of your coworkers and peers to understand what they do and how you can help them. Go out for coffee, go for a walk or set up 1:1s. Building great relationships at work is really important and it might give you ideas about where to take your career next. Getting to know your team members will make your job more rewarding and help you be more productive.

3) Related to above, in any new job, when you're done with a task, ask your manager "How else can I help?" This shows you're ready and willing to take on more projects.

Thank you comment icon Awesome advice, thank you so much! Angelina
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Farzan’s Answer

Be curious and learn as much as you can in the areas you are most interested in!

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Ka’s Answer

Don't wait to create a perfect plan before starting on your goal. This can be a job or career change, going for a certification, moving, etc. You will find that the perfect plan has to be changed midway.
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Joan’s Answer

Travel abroad, meet new people and cultures.

Be curious and don't everything for granted.

Save some money and retire early.

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Patrick’s Answer

I would have reached out to professionals at an earlier age for mentorship. I also would have paid attention to how much living costs are necessary for a realistic life style. I also would have taken college classes in high school. Good Luck

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Kirstin’s Answer

I would tell my younger self to stay focus on your personal goals. Do not let others interfere with what you want for yourself.
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Michael’s Answer

I would definitely tell myself to take high school more seriously. The grades you get along with extracurricular activities are looked at closely by colleges. I would tell myself to be as diverse in my high school experiences as possible to create a more broad knowledge base. Bottom line: High school matters. Do your best.

Michael recommends the following next steps:

Volunteer for an extracurricular club or activity at your school.
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Kevin’s Answer

If I could go back in time, I would tell my younger-self to attend more office hours. Your professors and faculty, in general, are more than willing to help you with any questions. It's very important to be proactive and less shy!
Thank you comment icon Good advice, thank you! Angelina
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stephanie’s Answer

I would tell my younger self to be more patient when making life decisions. This could also help with making wiser decisions.
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Molly’s Answer

Hi Angelina! What a great question!

Two things I would say to my younger self:

1) Don't sweat the small stuff. Think about the big picture of things and focus less on the things that don't matter as much.

2) Don't take things so personally. Especially working in customer service and sales, you will interact with lots of folks who are angry and upset. They aren't mad at you, just the situation!

Best of luck!
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Carla’s Answer

I would tell my younger self to think through EVERY decision before acting upon it. Taking time to properly assess and evaluate a situation first could have positive life changing consequences.
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Bret’s Answer

don't be afraid to fail. Take more risks when you are young; try some things you will fail at and see what you learn, and what you learn about yourself.
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Jan’s Answer

I would tell my younger self that I can overcome anything and that I can learn anything that I want if I put my mind to it. Always strive to keep learning.
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Ryan’s Answer

I would make sure to network with people starting from the beginning of college (attend career fairs or talk to recruiters when on campus) since the time for applying for internships will come a lot quicker than you think and you will be at a big advantage if you already have a relationship with the recruiters when applying for internships.
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Richard’s Answer

Grades do matter. Getting good grades isn't easy but it is "simple." Go to class. Plan to spend 2-3 hours studying for every hour of lecture. Attend your professor's office hours and any TA review sessions. If there is a test bank, use that as a study tool to understand what your professor wants you to focus on for the test.
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Melanie’s Answer

On ething I would tell myself is to do what I am passionate about not what others or society views as 'most wanted'. There is a great tendency for many to want to please others and be in the 'in-group', but what a young person doesn't realize is that what could give you the greatest success is going for what makes you happy. More than anything, passion will fuel your motivation and success rather than money, ego, or popularity. All of the latter can be earned with time, but without passion, it simply harder to succeed as that can be seen through by employers. Be you and if anyone else (even family) doubts you, go for your goals!
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Simeon’s Answer

I would have told myself to at least do some networking with the business clubs during my college years. It would have helped to have more professional contacts in the business world.
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Samantha’s Answer

- Do what you really think is good for you. You don't have to have the same plan as everyone else.
- Take every opportunity to explore.
- Have fun, don't be too serious initially. Goofing around and fell around.
- It's not only what you know it's who you know.
- Surround yourself with people you would want to work with. People who support you.
- Find a coach, someone that believes you.
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Armando’s Answer

This answer is in behalf of an HPE group. :)
1. Be patient.
2. Invest in yourself
3. Live on 50 % of your paycheck and invest/save the rest.
4. Reduce time on social media.
5. Focus on your mental-health
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Richard’s Answer

Make the most of your youth and use your time productively. When you're in high school, you're blessed with ample time to focus solely on your studies. As you age, time becomes a luxury as work and bills start to take precedence. So, seize this opportunity to learn a new language, master a musical instrument, or immerse yourself in a variety of books. Absorb as much knowledge as you can now, and you'll thank yourself later.