What are some college courses to consider for working abroad?
My dream is to travel the world, but I obviously need a good source of income in order to do that. Writing/editing has always interested me, and so a career doing something similar to that would be great. However, I'm very open to other ideas: I've heard #web-design and #transcriptionist have moderatly flexible schedules, and many #work-from-home. But aside from those, is there any other options that would enable me to fulfil my wanderlust dreams? Which general degrees or courses would be the best for me to work towards that would help me in landing jobs where I could #travel ? #online-media #online #online-advertising #online-marketing #what-should-i-do-in-school-that-will-help-me-get-the-job-i-want #traveling #job-search #working-abroad #living-abroad
4 answers

Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Marilyn’s Answer
Best of Luck,
Marilyn Lowry
Mouna’s Answer
B.K.’s Answer
I suggest first determining what you want to do for a living and then research where the need is for your interest abroad. I understand that you want to work abroad but you might consider what you would enjoy doing in a profession on a regular basis. Do you want to just obtain money to live abroad and bum around, or do you desire to pursue a career and just do this abroad? My first job as a corporate trainer afforded me with the opportunity to travel abroad on a consistent basis. I was even offered two positions while traveling. Now, I like training, education, and development. I also enjoy traveling. So, I experienced the ideal combination. I did what I wanted to do where I wanted to do it. So, think about what you want to do first, and then determine where you want to do it. You might even want to consider working for a nonprofit as a paid volunteer worker. This will give you the chance to see if you even like being away from the United States.
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