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how can i stay focused on school work ?

i have trouble staying focuesd on school work

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Tara’s Answer

Hi Chris! This is an excellent question and one that many students grapple with. It all boils down to two things: minimizing distractions + maximizing motivation.

Minimizing Distractions:

*Pick a location that is distraction-free and always study there
*Pick a time of day when you know you'll have some peace and quiet
*Turn your phone off and put it in your desk drawer, out of sight
*Have only the necessary tabs open on your browser
*Make sure the lighting in the room is warm and inviting.
*Study in short bursts of 25 minutes--take mini stretch breaks in between

Maximizing Motivation:

*Try to find something that you're genuinely curious about in every topic that you have to study.
*Break assignments down into small steps--a.k.a. "micromovements"--and focusing on accomplishing one mini-task at a time.
*Get your classmates involved and set up fun group study sessions
*Think about ways that each class will help you succeed in the future. Visualize your goals.
*Treat yourself to something nice at the end of a long week or after you take a stressful exam.
*Celebrate the mini-wins along the way. You've got this!
*Be curious in class and always ask questions. Actively engaging with the material and your teacher will help so much!

Good luck to you and your future success!
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Daniele’s Answer

Hi Chris

Creating a schedule, setting specific goals, minimizing distractions, and taking breaks can help you stay focused on school and work. Prioritize tasks and establish a dedicated workspace to enhance productivity. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and tackle them one at a time. Use tools like calendars or apps to organize deadlines. Additionally, make sure to get enough sleep and maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure to avoid burnout.

Consider adopting the Pomodoro Technique, working in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by short breaks. Eliminate unnecessary notifications during study or work sessions to minimize interruptions. Regularly review your progress and adjust your strategies as needed.
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Heather’s Answer

Turn off ALL distractions. For example: Cell phones, TV, YouTube, Video Games, Friends and Family, etc .... Pick set times and days of the week to do important tasks Create a list or schedule for when assignments are due. Study a little each day, even if it is for only 20 minutes. A little time spent consistently produces great results. Planning works, cramming does not. Stay focused. You got this.
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Aisha’s Answer

Hello Chris,

Action Point 1: Start with Exercise. Research indicates that cardio exercises can enhance your memory and cognitive abilities.

Action Point 2: Develop a Routine. Consistency can help you achieve your goals more effectively.

Action Point 3: Be Ready. Preparation is key to success.

Action Point 4: Designate a Workspace. Having a specific place to work can improve focus and productivity.

Action Point 5: Eliminate Distractions. A distraction-free environment allows for better concentration.

Action Point 6: Make Note-taking a Habit. This helps in retaining and recalling information.

Action Point 7: Schedule Breaks. Regular intervals of rest can rejuvenate your mind and body.

Action Point 8: Motivate Yourself with Rewards. This can enhance your drive to achieve your goals.
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Meghan’s Answer

Are usually make a list write it down and I plan out the assignments that I need to be doing on each day of the week. I redo the schedule every week just to make sure I’m on top of my classes as most of them are online in South paste. This really helps me to keep up my schoolwork and not get behind having a set schedule.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hey Chris,

Here's a bunch of cool tips to help you keep your eyes on the prize when it comes to schoolwork:

Find your study sweet spot: Look for a quiet, bright spot where you can focus without any interruptions. It could be a cozy corner in your room, your local library, or even your favorite coffee shop. Having a go-to study spot can help tell your brain it's time to get down to business.

Break it down: Chop your schoolwork into bite-sized tasks with set deadlines. It's a great way to stop procrastination in its tracks and make the workload seem less daunting.

Master the clock: Try out time management tricks like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute breather. It's a proven way to boost focus and avoid burnout.

Cut out the noise: Switch off those pesky notifications on your phone and computer. You might even want to use website blockers to keep you away from time-wasting websites during study time.

Take five: Remember to let your brain chill out every now and then. Short breaks every hour can stop you from feeling mentally worn out.

Get your ducks in a row: Stay on top of assignments, deadlines, and key dates with a planner or digital calendar. It's a stress-buster and keeps you on the ball with your schoolwork.

Sleep and sweat: Good sleep and regular exercise are super important for keeping your focus sharp and your brain in top form. Try to get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night and make exercise a part of your daily routine.

Ask for a helping hand: If you're finding it tough to stay focused, don't be shy to ask a teacher, counselor, or mental health pro for some advice and support.

By using these tips, you'll be able to stay laser-focused on your schoolwork and boost your grades.

Top 3 Trusted Sources:

Harvard Health Publishing
American Psychological Association
Mayo Clinic

Take care and stay blessed,
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Ezra’s Answer

I completely comprehend how challenging it can be to maintain concentration on your school tasks. I've personally grappled with the issue of constant distractions and losing track of my tasks. My suggestion is to find a serene environment devoid of distractions. I used to get sidetracked by my phone or the television, so I made it a point to distance myself from them. Furthermore, it's beneficial to establish a specific duration for your study sessions, followed by short breaks. This method helps to keep your focus sharp and prevents burnout.
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Charly’s Answer

Hi good morning! In my personal opinion. Mmmm well i think that the best way to focus in school and in everything in life as well is doing what you love to do and what you're passionate about. But if you've to do a work or task that you don't like, think in this: Sometimes you've to do in present things that you don't like to do, but those things will lead you to do what you want and what you love in the future in order to reach you final goal.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students have similar question. It is important on your time management. Firstly, you need to identify a time management tool, eg Google Calendar, your phone calendar, MS Outlook, etc.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Put down the time you need to attend classes every day
2. Allocate some time for your assignment, projects, etc. Also, do revision on the class material covered during the day. Have 5-10 min break every 1.5- 2 hours
3. Make sure you have enough sleep
4. Do some exercise every day
You do not need to fill up your schedule completely. Allocate some time for your leisure, family & friends gathering, relax, etc
Hope this helps! Good Luck!