Career questions tagged generalcounsel

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Abby1245 views

Tips for choosing between law and psychology careers

Hi, my name is Abby! I am a junior in high school and have to start thinking about how I want to spend the rest of my life making money (fun!) and would really appreciate some help. Some of the paths I am considering are psychology because I love the psych classes I have taken, and law because the subject has always just interested me. Some of the careers I have considered within these two paths are: corporate law, in-house counsel, district attorney, human resources, forensic psychology, and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. If you have experience in these fields I would deeply appreciate it if you could answer some of my questions: - How has your experience been? - Do you find your job rewarding? - How deep was your student debt and did you/will you take a long time to pay it off? - What did you major in during college? -What path did you take to get your job? -Is it hard to get a job in your field? - How many years of schooling did you need? Was it worth it? - How did you know this is your calling? - Is your job fun, at least as far as work goes? -Do you make enough to live a comfortable life? -How or what is your work environment? -Do you have downtime? Here are some things about myself. If you have time to look over this list and tell me if you think your job and I are compatible, that would be appreciated. - I love structure. Knowing what to do and when to do it is what I live off of. - I am a people person. I love working in teams, and when feeling bold, I am open to taking a leadership position. - I'm one of those random people who really like paperwork. Like, a weird amount. It probably has to do with the structure thing. - I like to do research and writing papers. Yet again, probably me and my weird liking towards the structure. - This is not super important, but I would like to start a family one day. A solid 9-5 job is IDEAL but if I was super passionate about something I would make it work. - Social-Cognitive Psych is my favorite class -I read for two hours everyday Thank you all very much for your time. Any amount of information is super helpful and appreciated. #law #money #law-school #politics #politicalscience #lawyer #inhousecounsel #generalcounsel #psychology #iopsychology #organizationalpsychology #industrialpsychology #humanresources #forensicpsychology #exams #corporatelaw #team #psychologist

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Abby719 views

Should I become a lawyer and how do I do it?

I am in the eleventh grade and I have always wanted to become a lawyer. My aunt is one and we always talk about how interesting it is. I have done some research and I think I want to work as a legal counsel for corporate or as a public defender, leaning more towards legal counsel due to the structure of the corporate world. While I do know being a lawyer is the path I am leaning towards, these specific paths of law are not set in stone since I am not yet entirely sure what I want to do. English is my best subject in school and I get overall good grades. Should this be the path I take? I also don't know what colleges/law schools are the best, what to major in, etc? Is law school worth it? Is the LSAT and bar test hard? Any other suggestions on any other kinds of lawyers that sound interesting? Is being a lawyer fun? Are there good benefits? What does a day look like as a lawyer? Any and all of this would be super helpful, and any extra details are welcome as well. Thank you for your time. #school #lawyer #law #lawyers #corporate-lawyer #law-school #corporatelawyer #inhousecounsel #generalcounsel #associate-lawyer #law #politicalscience #criminology

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