Career questions tagged self-employed

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CareerVillage Office Hours660 views

How to become a content creator?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Content Creator? Note: Given the growing interest in the content creation field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Eloise623 views

Entrepreneur vs. Employed by Company

Do you think people are more successful self employed or employed by a company?

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Jonathan784 views

How do I go about creating my own Company in the Engineering Industry?

Being enrolled in the Drexel Co-op program has given me the incites that I am grateful for experiencing before I enter the workforce. As I near the end of my last Co-op, I have realized that a 9am-5pm job is not for me. Being self employed has always been a dream of mine. #leadership #engineering #self-employed #self-driven

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Amina1000 views

Would like to be self-employed but want to know how this process works?

I was wondering if anyone here can explain the process of self-employment. How does this work and as a college student, what should I be doing now to get to that level? I am an Astronomy/Physics major since these are the topics I love the most, so how can I be able to ensure I become self-employed with a field in the sciences? #finance #jobs #self-employed #growing-jobs

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Akash981 views

Need guidance on work from home

i am from poor family #self-employed

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Emma927 views

What's a Day in the Life of an Artist?

I want to be a glassblower when I grow up but can it really be all fun and easy? Is it hard selling your art? What are the best and worst things about being a professional artist? #career #art #career-choice #career-path #self-employed

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viviana1077 views

Is the only way to have a career based off writing stories to be a self-employed author?

is there anything else I can do where I specifically write fiction as a career? #writing #author #self-employed

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