Career questions tagged social-psychologist

Whats the best way to deal with the people having negative attitude ? Should we stay with them ?
I kinda of like sharing my upcoming plans with people I know and most of the time they have negative feedback and tells me that they know this is not right and then put some logic to support their claim which is kind of right in their own way but very demoralizing. So what should one do when people are against your personal decision. Even when one's doing what he feels he should do and then sometimes he fails to do that and thinks maybe people are right and I should stop doing what I'm doing and it's very frustrating. So how should one deal with these feelings and what should one say to these people when they are older than you and have gone through the same stage as one's going right now cause if not said then the same negativity revolves around in mind again and again. #career-counseling #social-psychologist

What is the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist?
Which one would be best for me to become. #psychology #psychologist #social-psychologist

what career can i take to be risk managment administrator?
I want to be like an FBI agent but with less risk and in a company and I want to know what career I should take #business #lawyer #police #agent #social-psychologist #administrative-law

Thinking about Social Psychology
My dream is to work with and study the behavior of great apes such as; orangutans and gorillas. I will be mastering in primate behavior in 5-7 years. I am thinking about majoring in Social Psychology in the next 3 year. I am wondering if this is a smart destitution. #career-paths #professors #psychologist #zookeeper #social-science-phd #social-psychologist