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David Osella’s Avatar

David Osella

Commercial Real Estate Lender
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
West Hartford
5 Answers
15786 Reads
1 Karma

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Tiffany’s Avatar
Tiffany Aug 25, 2018 1227 views

What are some keypoints to obtain when choosing a career path?

In my case I want to stay in the field of banking, and struggling to plan out my career path to farther more in the financial institution field.

#banking #career path

Jyssica’s Avatar
Jyssica May 28, 2020 2664 views

I aspire to become a pastry chef and to own a bakery, what are tips for starting and running a successful business?

I am twenty-three years of age and I have a had a burning passion to enter the culinary world ever since I was a child. Owning my own business is one of my dreams after getting some more hands on experience. What would be some good advice/tips to running a successful bakery? #business #chef...

tori’s Avatar
tori May 09, 2020 2081 views

How can I have a career with traveling ?

I am a sophomore in high school . As of now , I don't know my purpose in life. I honestly just want to travel the world , make money and be happy. How could I travel as a full time job? #travel #career #money

Dakota’s Avatar
Dakota May 30, 2020 5281 views

Where is a great place to start towards a career in nursing while I'm still in high school?

I am almost 16, and very dedicated in my work. I need an easy place to get introduced into medicine. Thank you for your time. #medicine

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jun 03, 2020 5148 views

Has making your hobby and passion, specifically art, as your career, ruined your enjoyment for it?

I have always loved making art and have been told by many that I should go into a line of work with art involved. However, I fear that once it becomes an assignment or requirement, I will find inspiration hard to come by and will no longer enjoy it; therefore, not doing my best work. #art #career