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Mitchell Nowak’s Avatar

Mitchell Nowak

Sales Manager
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Washington, Washington
5 Answers
15334 Reads
2 Karma



Active Locations


My career has allowed me to live in multiple states and experience the benefits of each area. I started at my current role in customer service and through hard work, a passion to grow and great leadership now manage a sales team in our Nations Capitol. Integrity is one of the best traits anyone can have personally and professionally. With integrity, you earn trust and build relationships that will last a life time.

Mitchell’s Career Stories

How did you start building your network?

It may seem difficult task to actively introduce yourself to people at a new job or in networking events. The truth is almost everyone would like to meet others and learn about them and what is important to them personally and professionally. A smile goes a long way, it is welcoming to other and aids in starting a conversation. When meeting people make an effort to ask about them or look in their office for personal affects. Those are great ways to show others you are interested in them and make a connection. Follow up with an email, a LinkedIn Connection Request, and/or a personal note. Introduce people you have met to others in your network, be the connector of people. When discussing your industry, you don't need to answer questions you don't have an answer to or over commit to others. It's okay to follow up and that will earn you trust and build your integrity.

Did anyone ever oppose your career plans when you were young or push you in a direction you did not want to go?

People would tell me I cannot do something and I said well I will give it a try. Don't let others dictate what you can and cannot do. Sure graduating with a Major and business and then saying your want to be a doctor is not feasible with out more training and medical school. Set your goals and work toward them, challenge yourself of how you can do better, and rework your goals when they need to be adjusted.

What is it like when your job gets tough?

Work gets difficult at times, when circumstances are not favorable or timelines are crunched, we need to double down our focus and prioritize what is important. Getting advice or asking others what their feedback is on a particular situation and what your actions might be, I find helpful. If time permits with difficult decisions, I find the next morning my thoughts are clearer. Sometimes a little time with separation allow us to see what we might be missing.