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Eric Stevens’s Avatar

Eric Stevens

Channel Development
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Gilbert, Arizona
3 Answers
2054 Reads
2 Karma

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Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Aug 29, 2020 837 views

What degree would suit my needs best between business and something in the arts?

I'm a multiple business owner at just 20 years old but still in the early stages with both of them. One is a photography business and the other is a online media website and I write the bulk of the content on the site. I have intensions of opening a skincare business in the near future as well...

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jun 07, 2016 1477 views

How do companies feel about hybrid job positions within their companies?

I am currently in High school and would want to pursue my first career as a sales engineer. How do most companies feel about hiring people who would specialize in two separate things at their firm? Do they think it might conflict or would they render it efficient and cost-effective?...

Nelson’s Avatar
Nelson Apr 17, 2015 1434 views

Hi I have a question about Microsoft, and I want to know what is it that they do as a job?

because i want to know what they do, just by saying, oh i work at Microsoft is not so self explainable. I'm a senior and right now I'm doing a program about Hospitality and I'm still searching for something that i might be interested in. and in my expert time I read and I also think that, Is...