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Frank Widjaja Yu’s Avatar

Frank Widjaja Yu

Engineering Director
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
3 Answers
2285 Reads
1 Karma

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Hamad’s Avatar
Hamad Dec 31, 2021 677 views

Career Differences: Computer Science vs. Software Engineering

I'm currently a freshman computer science student and have always wondered what's the difference between computer science and software engineering in terms of careers, where to go after graduation and what type of work each major graduates should be doing. It seems to me that both majors are so...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jan 04, 2022 956 views

Is becoming a doctor "worth it"?

#doctor #medicine #medical-school #medical #premed

André’s Avatar
André Jan 11, 2022 831 views

Where do I start with getting into the IT career path?

#it specialists